游戏 单机游戏 光影 我的世界 Minecraft 4k DistantHorizons 遥远的地平线 DistantHorizon Oculus ForgeConfectionaryQwQ 发消息 手机,PC搞机玩家,Minecraft爱好者,GNU/Linux爱好者,图形学爱好者,编程爱好者主要发关于手机玩Java版的视频接下来播放 自动连播 DistantHorizons遥远地平线模组服务器游玩体验,差距大? 非...
拍摄服务器:ZJWEU Craft五周目 视频存档出现的相关模组:Distant Horizon与机械动力、农夫乐事等180+个模组 版本:1.20.1 Forge 画质:4k 录制设备:i9 13900k + RTX4090 该视频仅为内部测试,存档仍在服务器内服役。 展开更多 this is what winter feels like ...
Join our Discord for news, updates, and help: Support us: If you want to help with development, join our discord and let us know! Otherwise if you can't help with development but still want to support Distant Horizons, check out our donation page: https...
What is Distant Horizons? Distant Horizons is a mod which implements a Level of Detail system to Minecraft. This allows for far greater render distances without harming performance by gradually lowering the quality of distant terrain. Below is a video demonstrating the system: Minecraft and Library...
What is Distant Horizons? Distant Horizons is a mod which implements a Level of Detail system to Minecraft. This allows for far greater render distances without harming performance by gradually lowering the quality of distant terrain. Below is a video demonstrating the system: Minecraft and Library...
DistantHorizons-2.1.2-a-1.21-neo-fabric.jar Supported Versions 1.21 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Fabric modImplementation "curse.maven:distant-horizons-508933:5474798" Copy to clipboard NeoForge implementation "curse.maven:distant-horizons...
However, currently the mod is only client side so you have to explore chunks for Distant Horizons to save them. Extended FAQ: Discord: Join our Discord for news, updates, and help: Support us: If you want to help with development, join our discord and let...
提交Distant Horizons 模组翻译 #4297 中包含此模组的 1.20-fabric, 1.20 版本 Distant Horizons 翻译提交 #4266 中包含此模组的 1.20-fabric, 1.20 版本 ✔ distanthorizons Mod Domain 验证通过。 ℹ distanthorizons-1.20-fabric 语言文件验证通过。 ⚠ 警告:PR 中 distanthorizons-1.20-fabric 的英文语言文件...
Distant Horizons is a mod which implements a Level of Detail system to Minecraft. This allows for far greater render distances without harming performance by gradually lowering the quality of distant terrain. Below is a video demonstrating the system: Minecraft and Library Versions This branch support...
Add the prefix "DH-" to all Distant Horizons threads - James Moved from a loose file system to a Sqlite database - James Move to a FrameBuffer based system instead of rendering directly to MC's FrameBuffer - Steveplays, James Removals: Deprecated several minor MC versions Removed biome ble...