The results show that the SVM+DRVW approach can achieve higher classification accuracies compared to the conventional SVM and SVMs combined with other combination mechanisms such as weighted voting (WV) and probability estimates by pairwise coupling (PE)....
A different approach [24] was suggested, which used a deep neural network (DNN) architecture to help with the problems that come up when arrhythmia is found. The methodology included a phase of knowledge acquisition in tandem with a comprehensive feature-extraction procedure. The use of a ...
One problem with the distance approach is that it depends on the scale and units of the attributes. For example, the difference in credit score between two records could be a few hundred points, which is minor in magnitude compared to the difference in income, which could be in the ...
Constrained clustering is becoming an increasingly popular approach in data mining. It offers a balance between the complexity of producing a formal definition of thematic classes—required by supervised methods—and unsupervised approaches, which ignore expert knowledge and intuition. Nevertheless, the appl...
In the final voting, the nearest neighbors are weighted according to inverse of their dissimilarities with the test object. We calculate the accuracy by averaging over all N objects. M-fold cross validation could be used instead of the leave-one-out approach. However, the respective ranking of...
We emphasize that we used this approach primarily as a means to investigate the performance of our main algorithm. 7.4. System combination It is possible to run our algorithm in system combination mode. When combining multiple lattices generated for the same utterance from multiple systems, in ...
The distance measures are derived through an axiomatic approach, taking into account various issues arising in voting with side constraints. The side constraints of interest include non-uniform relevance of the top and the bottom of rankings (or equivalently, eliminating negative outliers in votes) ...
The results show that the SVMCDRVW approach can achieve higher classification accuracies compared to the conventional SVM and SVMs combined with other combination mechanisms such as weighted voting (WV) and probability estimates by pairwise coupling (PE)....
The results show that the SVM CDRVW approach can achieve higher classification accuracies compared to the conventional SVM and SVMs combined with other combination mechanisms such as weighted voting (WV) and probability estimates by pairwise coupling (PE). (C) 2020 Society for Imaging Science and...
VotingWeighted distancesCollective decision making problems can be seen as finding an outcome that is "closest" to a concept of "consensus". Nitzan (1981) introduced "Closeness to Unanimity Procedure" as a first example to this approach and showed that the Borda rule is the closest to unanimity...