The Euclidean distance transform is rotation independent up to digitisation effects, but often leads to complex algorithms where it is used. The compromise is the integer weighted distance transforms, that combines the simplicity of the old distance transforms with a reasonable rotation independence. ...
The objective of this work is to show how the distance transform can be used to perform contour line interpolation, and intermediate line generation. More precisely, it is shown that these problems can be solved by computing two sets of local image distances, in only two steps: one in raster...
The distance transform has found many applications in image analysis. Chamfer distance transforms are a class of discrete algorithms that offer a good approximation to the desired Euclidean distance transform at a lower computational cost. They can also give integer-valued distances that are more suita...
closest_point_transform See alsoskeleton ReferencesP. Soille: “Morphological Image Analysis, Principles and Applications”; Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1999. G. Borgefors: “Distance Transformations in Arbitrary Dimensions”; Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, Vol. 27,...
Since, distance transform is a global operation, the computational requirement using the na茂ve approach is proportional to the...Toriwaki, J.I., Saitoh, T., Okada, M.: Distance transformation and skeleton for shape fea- ture analysis. In: International Workshop on Visual Form, pp. 547-...
The influence of using distinct optimization criteria for determining the coefficients of a distance transform is studied. The criteria studied are (1) minimizing the maximum of the absolute value of the difference between the distance transform and Euclidaan distance, and (2) minimizing the root-...
The Euclidean distance transform (EDT) is used in many essential operations in image processing, such as basic morphology, level sets, registration and path finding. The anti-aliased Euclidean...DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09955-2_8 被引量: 3 年份...
1 Introduction Distance transforms are an important tool in computer vision, image processing and pattern recognition. A distance transform of a binary image specifies the distance from each pixel to the nearest non-zero pixel. Distance transforms play a central role in the comparison of binary ...
Adaptive image filtering based on a distance transform A method for reducing visual artifacts in reconstructed images. One embodiment of the method determines edge energy for each pixel in the image and then compares the edge energy for each pixel to a threshold, producing an edge map. A dis....
title('Threshold Image') %im2=im2bw(im2); %%apply erosion and then dilation %%Erosion B = [1 1 1; 1 1 1;1 1 1]; % i=0; % while i < 1 forx = 2:1:p(1)-1 fory = 2:1:p(2)-1 a1= [B(1)*im2(x-1,y-1) B(2)*im2(x-...