Judging thunderstorm distance.Explains how most people were able to judge the approximate distance of thunderstorm by counting the seconds that passed between the flash of lightning and the roll of thunder. Speed of sounds; Counting at normal speed.McDonaldBudGoladFrank...
As you catch a fast-moving fastball, why is it wise to move your hand in the direction of the ball's motion? Explain in terms of work and energy. The speed of a body is never negative. Why? Explain how the distance to a lightning bolt can be determined by counting the seconds b...
Each element in the PSSM represents the probability of occurrence of 20 amino acids at each site in the protein. The secondary structure and solvent accessibility are predicted by SPIDER227. The secondary structure feature is one-dimensional, and it can take on the values H (α-helix), E (...
Residue-residue distance information is useful for predicting tertiary structures of protein monomers or quaternary structures of protein complexes. Many deep learning methods have been developed to predict intra-chain residue-residue distances of monomers accurately, but few methods can accurately predict ...
Determine the number of light-years in 1 meter. How does the concept of simultaneity enter into the measurement of the length of an object? Microwaves are used as Radar. Why? Explain how the distance to a lightning bolt can be determined by counting the seconds between the flash and the...
Lightning Mailbox MyGospel NewMan PlayMeaTune SecondThoughtsAretheOnlyThoughtsIHave MaryAlvarezIsNinetyToday SeeHowThisThingGoes SeeYouinIreland SomethingHeLeftMe Teeth ThereIsNoLongDistanceNow MyBoyfriend,JohnMayer WhereWeComeFrom Tomorrow,Summer
Measure the time in seconds between the lightning flash and the thunderclap. Divide the number of seconds by 5. Well done. You've just measured the lightning distance in miles. What is the 30-30 rule for lightning? When you see lightning, start counting to 30. If you hear the thunder ...