CF1935E Distance Learning Courses in MAC 题目大意 给定 \(n\) 个变量 \(z_i\in[x_i,y_i]\),你可以在范围内任意指定 \(z_i\) 的值。 \(q\) 次查询,每次查询给定区间 \([l_i,r_i]\),求用这些变量得到的 二进制或
Distance Learning Courses in MAC 这道题目其实我们如果位运算的题目有取值范围的话(这道题目的[x,y]),我们可以统计公共前缀 首先对于一个数对(xi,yi)(假设xi≠yi),我们先统计他们的最长公共前缀 比如000110101和000111000,他们的最长公共前缀就是000110000(位数都是32位,这里省略了,公共前缀之后的位用0补齐) ...
Spirits of the Points Spirit Blocks and CV /GV Meridians Distance Learning - with Professor Neil R Gumenick, MAc, LAc, DiplOM 2 CA & NCCAOM CEUsCA #1650 / NCCAOM #9191 The work of a truly wholistic practitioner is to address the needs of patients at all levels. The majority of patients...
Apple's Schoolwork 2.0 update will allow for better management of assignments and handouts, and is geared toward making distance learning more manageable for both teachers and students. When it launched in 2018, Schoolwork allowed creation and broadcast of assignments with a wide range ...
There is a gap in the literature describing the experience of modern working mother students in distance education. To understand this experience, the researchers interviewed and observed six academically high-achieving working mother students as they participated in their distance education courses during...
metaphors of learningWhat delivery methods are available to make education accessible to a wide variety of potential learners? What are their strengths and weaknesses? How can instructors create effective learning environments in distance courses? What support from administrators and staff is essential?
(2003) `New approaches to supporting students: strategies for blended learning in distance and campus-based environments.' Journal of Educational Media, 28 (2-3), pp. 129-146.Janet Macdonald,Erica Mcatoer. New Approaches to Supporting Students:strategies for blended learning in distance and ...
Top Abstract For the past decade, e-learning has emerged as a prominent delivery mechanism in educational settings. Now, it is not uncommon to find courses that are delivered fully online or in a blended learning (Bonk & Graham, 2006) mo... IS Environmental - 《Encyclopedia of Distance Lea...
The article considers a non-standard design practice in a distance learning format at the Department of Architecture and Design of Moscow Information and Technology University-Moscow Architecture and Construction Institute (MITU-MACI). It also reveals the peculiarities of digitalization as means of moder...
The purpose of this study was to measure sense of classroom community in a television-based higher education distance education course and in the same course taught by the same instructor in a traditional face-to-face learning environment, in order to determine if differences existed and if so ...