As a comparison, the speed of sound is a relatively slow 343 meters per second. This speed is denoted as the lowercase letter c for ease of calculations. This constant is also sometimes referred to as light speed. The speed of light is finite....
This procedure is repeated nper times to obtain nper distances randomly, which are denoted as D10 ; D20 ; . . . ; Dj0 ; . . . ; Dn0per . Figure 1 Flow chart of distance-based gene set analysis (DBGSA). Journal of Human Genetics DBGSA: a distance-based gene set analysis method...
in this study n is 2, because we are seeking the location of the wellheads on the areal surface of the reservoir) and the domain of all possible locations that violates the constraint condition if a new point is added, is denoted by, D and the counter part of D as Dc, then will ...
The similarity between a pair of time series, i.e., sequences of indexed values in time order, is often estimated by the dynamic time warping (DTW) distance, instead of any in the well-studied family of measures including the longest common subsequence (LCS) length and the edit distance. ...
Means denoted with the same letter did not significantly differ at P < 0.05. Scientific Reports | 7:40858 | DOI: 10.1038/srep40858 5 Figure 5. Expression analysis of cold defense-related genes via qRT-PCR in untreated distant organs by local ...
The first step of the CPA attack is to determine the intermediate value of the cryptographic algorithm executed by the device under attack, that is, the target function, which is denoted by vi=f(di,k⁎), where di is the ith plaintext or ciphertext, and k⁎ is the hypothesis of a...
of the course within a week at most from the date of announcing the results by submitting a written request to the deanship/unit/department of admission and registration at the university. Otherwise, the student is given his final mark according to the system used (percentage mark or letter)...
and Google as search Objects can be given literally, like the literal four-letter engine. The method is also applicable to other search engines and databases. This theory is then applied to construct genome of a mouse, or the literal text of War and Peace a method to automatically extract ...
Sto provide a ballot counting system and apparatus In which the deposit of ballots is controlled from a distance; to visibly display the signature of a voter; to provide a ballot shield; to test ballots for thickness, position and stickiness; to de10 stroy the sequence of ballots as deposited...
We applied three allometric relationships to build a mathematical model, describing blood flow through a hypothetical restricted BTV that represents partial blood loss from the total blood volume. Body mass is denoted asM(kg) in these equations. Blood circulation time,t, measured in seconds, scales...