Furthermore, due to the disadvantages of the dominance theory in large-scale applications, the results of the three utilities are aggregated to get the overall utility on which the ranking is based. Two practical examples are solved and the results are compared with the results of other methods...
Other sources of bias such as residual confounding could be present. One potential source of bias is differences in residential mobility between cases and controls. Cases had to be born in and diagnosed in California, whereas controls had to be born in California, but were not required to resid...
One potential source of bias is differences in residential mobility between cases and controls. Cases had to be born in and diagnosed in California, whereas controls had to be born in California, but were not required to reside in the state at time of diagnosis of the corresponding case. A ...
Since, nodes float independent of each other, racing between nodes may occur and it is possible that a node that is about to wake up is way ahead of the node that is currently in duty. In this situation, there will be a pipeline segment, which might have leakage and not monitored by ...