The figures do vary dramatically across countries: For instance, those without on-site water varied from 0.6% households in Mauritius to 93% in the Central African Republic. That variation is also true ofvaccination rates. While Seychelles and Morocco have given shots to...
The figures do vary dramatically across countries: For instance, those without on-site water varied from 0.6% households in Mauritius to 93% in the Central African Republic. That variation is also true ofvaccination rates. While Seychelles and Morocco have given shots ...
had more than fi ve times as many people. But these initial condi- tions were tragically worsened by the slave trade. Between 1700 and 1810, an estimated 15 million Africans— one of every six—were taken to the Americas. Some areas were depopu- lated, and many more mired in dev- a...
All Special Issues(Re)membering How We Liberate: Black Women Educators’ Identities, Educational Praxis, and InfluenceA Familycentric Approach to Schooling: What It Is, What It Takes, What It Looks LikeA Nexus Between Teacher Agency and Accountability: Research and PracticeAccommodating All Students...