Tibia fracturePeriprosthetic fractureIntramedullary nailingIntroduction Diaphyseal tibial fractures distal to a well-fixed tibial component although rare present a significant challenge and optimal treatment remains controversial. Displaced periprosthetic tibial shaft fractures are ideally treated with open reduction...
A.,Ghiam,etc.Open distal tibial shaft fractures: a retrospective comparison of medial plate versus nail fixation[J].2016,42(1).Avilucea FR , Sathiyakumar V,Greenberg SE,et al. Open distal tibialshaft fractures : a retrospective comparison of medial plate versus nailfixation[J]. Eur J ...
This intricate combination of bones is further reinforced by numerous ligaments to enhance its stability. The femoral condyles rest on very shallow, complementary depressions on the proximal tibial plateau known as facets. The depth of each facet is minimally enhanced by incomplete, cartilaginous rings...
36 cases of distal tibial fracture, proximal tibial fractures in 46 patients, 82 patients were all followed by 6 months to 4 years of follow-up, the wound healed fracture healed, the healing time of 6-13 months. Tibial shaft fracture treatment evaluation criteria (johner the-wruhs): excellent...
Open tibial plafond fracture with massive bone loss presents a challenge for orthopedic surgeons. Particularly unusual is extrusion of an osteoarticular segment of the distal tibia. Here we present the case of such a patient, who was treated using osteochondral allograft (OCA) and fusion procedures...
Fractures of the tibial shaft are the most common fractures to occur in the human body. Number of motor vehicle high-velocity injuries has increased in recent years. Various modalities used for treatment range from immobilization with the cast to open reduction and plating, closed reduction and ...
Conclusions: The temporal pattern of bone growth during puberty differs at the distal radius and tibial shaft. A transient decrease in vBMD, arising from asynchronous bone size and mass growth, occurs only at the radius. In the tibia, the mechanism of cortical thickening changes from periosteal ...
We report a case of tibial shaft fracture after open‐wedge distal tibial tuberosity osteotomy (OWDTO). The use of a lag screw for a lateral hinge fracture in OWDTO requires careful postoperative rehabilitation and follow‐up. We discuss concerns related to the mechanical strength at the ...
FRACTURE fixationARTICULAR cartilageTIBIAL fracturesCOMPUTED tomographyDISEASE complicationsPurpose: To report the incidence and morphology of ipsilateral distal articular involvement (DAI) in a consecutive series of tibial shaft fractures. Method: A retrospective review was performed on ...
Open tibial fracturePosterolateral approach minimally invasive plate osteosynthesisStaged treatmentObjectives To evaluate the methods and the outcomes of Gustilo type III open distal tibial and tibial shaft fractures with severe anterior and medial soft-tissue injuries, treated with posterolateral......