anterior approachharpoon sutureDistal ruptures of the brachial biceps tendon are an infrequent injury. The purpose of this paper is to assess the outcome of distal ruptures of the tendon addressed surgically through an anterior approach between November 1998 and December 2003. Retrospective study of ...
In the only randomized controlled trial to this topic, no significant differences in outcomes between the single- and double-incision distal biceps repair techniques other than a 10% advantage in final flexion strength with the latter could be shown [9]. But not only the surgical approach ...
Post- operatively, the athlete was immobilized in a cast and then a brace to prevent any movement of the muscle. Rehabilitation proceeded with isometric exercises and manual resistive exercises of the shoulder and wrist. At 16 weeks, the athlete was cleared for biceps curls and wrist supination....