pytest-xdist默认是无序执行,可以通过--dist来控制执行顺序 --dist=loadscope:按照同一个模块module下的函数和同一个测试类class下的进行分组,将每个测试组发给可以执行的cpu核数(worker),确保同一个组的测试用例在同一个进程中执行。class分组优先于按模块module分组 --dist=loadfile:按照同一个文件名来分组,然后...
Modules are referenced using git submodules and should always point to individual module repositories in the LuaDist project. Its secondary purpose is to act as an install and bootstrap process for LuaDist based installations. This repository contains an installation script that allows automated ...
ModuleView MultiThreadedCalculation Name Names NegativeBarFormat ODBCConnection ODBCError ODBCErrors OLEDBConnection OLEDBError OLEDBErrors OLEFormat OLEObject OLEObjectClass OLEObjectEvents OLEObjectEvents_Event OLEObjectEvents_GotFocusEventHandler OLEObjectEvents_LostFocusEventHandler OLEObjectEvents_SinkHelper OL...
internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:937 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module './dist/' Require stack: - /Users/pontakornth/.vscode/extensions/johnsoncodehk.volar-0.31.1/node_modules/@vue/shared/index.js - /Users/pontakornth/.vscode/extensions/johnsoncodehk.volar-0.31.1/no...
解决方案: 一、在项目根目录下新建一个vue,config.js文件 module.exports ={ //关闭eslint lintOnSave:false, //解决build打包的时候 dist文件里面css、js、img路径错误错误的问题 publicPath:'./',
If no LMOD entry exists for a module, one is created, provided the target zone contains a DLIB entry for the DISTMOD operand value. The SYSLIB subentries from the DLIB entry are placed in the LMOD entry as SYSLIB subentries, and the LMOD subentry is placed in the MOD entry. If no...
则告诉webpack尝试再进行拆分 cacheGroups: { vendors: { test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/, // 使用正则匹配node_modules中引入的模块 priority: -10, // 优先级值越大优先级越高,默认-10,不用修改 name(module) { // 设定分包以后的文件模块名字,按照包名字替换拼接一下 const packageName = module....
解决办法: 1. 直接按照提示往 .d.ts 的文件里面加入下面这行代码 declare module 'element-plus/dist/locale/zh-cn.mjs...
C_DIST_MEM_V6_0 是xilinx FPGA里调用存储器的模块 inst 是给调的这个存储器取的模块名字