E. Perdue, J. Ritchie, in: H.D. Holland, K.K. Turekian (Eds.), Dissolved Organic Matter in Freshwaters, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2004.Perdue, E.M. and Ritchie, J.D., 2003. Dissolved organic matter in freshwaters. Treatise on geochemistry, 5, p.605....
Optical property of dissolved organic matters (DOMs) and its link to the presence of metal ions in surface freshwaters in China Author links open overlay panelMingquan Yan a, Jing Ma a, Chenyang Zhang a, Yuxuan Zhou a, Fei Liu b, Xuze Han a, Mingyang Li a, Jinren Ni aShow more...
Dissolved organic matter is widely present in aquatic environment with great ecological and environmental significance.In freshwater ecosystems, dissolved organic matter exceeds all living organisms by more than one order of magnitude.The ability of diss
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) composition may be an important determinant of its fate in freshwaters, but little is known about temporal variability in DOM composition and the biodegradability of DOM in northern temperate watersheds. We measured biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) via ...
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is found in all freshwaters globally, by dissolving in rainwaterduring its path through soil and on to oceans via. rivers and streams. To provide potable water fit for human consumption, selected streams and rivers are used by either direct abstraction, or by ...
Measuring dissolved organic carbon δ13C in freshwaters using total organic carbon cavity ring-down spectroscopy (TOC-CRDS) Measuring dissolved organic carbon δ13C in freshwaters using total organic carbon cavity ring-down spectroscopy (TOC-CRDS)doi:10.1007/s10311-012-0377-z... Adam,Hartland,...
Lignin phenol yields in the DOM were generally smaller than those of most freshwater systems. 未13C values of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) ranged from -25.0% to -20.1% and were generally enriched relative to typical freshwaters (ca. -27%). Terrestrial DOM is degraded in prairie lakes, ...
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentrations have risen by a factor of two or more across much of Europe and North America during recent decades. These in
In many freshwaters and coastal waters, the major source of DOM is the degradation of terrestrial plant matter, which is dissolved and transported through river systems and estuaries to the marine environment. Exudation by aquatic plants and their degradation are also important sources of DOM in ...
The patterns in consumption during bioassays appear to be very different in marine and lake samples compared to estuaries and freshwaters. The composition of marine DOM in terms of the proportion of highly reactive versus, less reactive, and recalcitrant pools appears to be distinct from other ...