dissolution (of something) the act of officially ending a marriage, a business agreement or a parliament; the act of breaking up an organization, etc. The company was set up following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.Topics Discussion and agreementc2, Family and relationshipsc2 Join us...
Duma is the name of the lower chamber of the Russian legislature, or parliament. It operated from 1906–1917 and was subsequently reinstated in 1993 after the end of the Soviet Union. What does Duma mean? Duma means "thought" or "deliberation" in Russian. This word also has been used as...
In the USSR either spouse is free to dissolve the marriage, but only under state supervision. The procedure for dissolving a marriage is regulated by the 1968 Basic Principles of Marriage and Family Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics and by the republic codes on marriage and the ...
mobility of thought to catch the movement of reality it must be willing to take leave, not only of the falsehoods of the past, but of its truths. Given that it is now more than a half-century since the iconic year 1968, a reflection on the philosophical situation of that time, and o...