The Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) was developed by Eve Bernstein Carlson, Ph.D. and Frank W. Putnam, M.D.
Undergraduates scoring high (n=32) or low (n=32) on the Dissociative Experiences Scale Version-II (DES-II) participated in this experiment. Mood induction and a remember/know task were used in a typical mood-independent memory design. In the inconsistent mood state condition, participants in ...
In a non-random sample of 415 students at the University of Idaho, the distribution of Dissociative Experience Scale (DES) scores was positively skewed with 9% of the sample scoring above 30 on the instrument. Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule (DDIS) interviewswere conducted with eighteen ...
SCORING: The individual marks the frequency of his/her experiences on a scale of 0 through 10, with '0' meaning 'never experienced' and '10' meaning 'always experience'. RELIABILITY & VALIDITY: Cronbach's alpha for the total scale was .92 and that for subscales was .72, .73, .82, ...
One study of 64 high functioning transexuals found 10% of the sample scoring above 30 in the Dissociative Experiences Scale, which suggests the presence of a dissociative disorder (Walling, Goodwin, & Cole, 1998). Opposite-gender identity states in Dissociative Identity Disorder: psychodynamic insigh...
SCORING THICK AND SCORING THIN: The Boundaries of Psychic Claimants The research participants in this study were 34 volunteer psychic claimants who were administered the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES), the Boundary Questionnaire (BQ), and a supplemental data sheet. Our research question was, ...
39、issociative experiences scale (des)a diagnostic screening too that locates high scoring subjects who might be at risk for dissociative disorderassesses levels of dissoication on a trait-like continuum from low to high.clinician-administered dissoicative states scale (cadss) was developed to meas...
HRSA indicates Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety; HRSD, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; LSAS, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale. ⁎ Data are expressed as mean (SD) where not specified. 3.3. Correlations The IAS scoring appeared to be associated with the clinical severity impression (r = 0....
[126–129]. In fact, content analysis reveals that several items on this scale are cardinal symptoms of dissociation (e.g., daydreaming; feeling numb; gaps in memory; feeling unreal), so it is not surprising that the Schizophrenia scale is correlated with severity of dissociation among DID ...
Midpoint of the scale, 3, indicated ‘occasionally’. Subjective Arousal and Valence Participant subjective levels of arousal and valence during each experimental condition were assessed using the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM; Lang 1980). The SAM is a non-verbal pictorial assessment technique that ...