Time crystals represent temporal analogues of the spatial self-ordering exhibited by atomic or molecular building blocks of solid-state crystals. The pursuit of discrete time crystals (DTCs) in periodically forced Floquet closed systems has revealed how they can evade thermalization and loss of ...
Time crystals are many-body states that spontaneously break translation symmetry in time the way that ordinary crystals do in space. While experimental observations have confirmed the existence of discrete or continuous time crystals, these realizations have relied on the utilization of periodic forces o...
Fourier spectral approximation to long-time behaviour of the derivative three-dimensional Ginzburg–Landau equation ☆ In this paper, we consider a derivative Ginzburg–Landau equation with periodic initial-value condition in three-dimensional space. A fully discrete Galerk... S Lü,Q Lu,EH Twizell...
STIRAP consists of an efficient population transfer between two discrete quantum states of an ensemble of emitters (usually the lowest levels of Λ systems) by coherently coupling them with two radiation fields (well-controlled classical pulses) through an unpopulated intermediate state. The connection ...
Dissipative adaptation is a general thermodynamic mechanism that explains self-organization in a broad class of driven classical many-body systems. It establishes how the most likely (adapted) states of a system subjected to a given drive tend to be thos
pass from a discrete set of modes to a continuum spectrum, and hence to represent an arbitrary time-dependent friction (t). The relation in Eq. 1.14 holds for a Gaussian bath regardless of the form of the potential of mean force. It is for ...
discreteandstochasticpulsetrainsandpointprocesses,the“macroscopic”activity oflargeassemblyofneuronsappearstobespatiallycoherentandhighlystructured inphaseandamplitude[4,5].Thequantummodelofbrainproposedin1967by RicciardiandUmezawa[6]isfirmlyfoundedonsuchanexperimentalevidence.The ...
We explore the boundary time-crystal transition at the level of quantum trajectories which result from continuous monitoring. This Letter is motivated by recent experiments [G. Ferioli, A. Glicenstein, I. Ferrier-Barbut, and A. Browaeys, Nat. Phys. 19, 1345 (2023)] realizing this many-...
It has been described that size control is achieved when the nucleation and growth processes are separated in time (Fig. 1)40. Nucleation is when a discrete particle of a new phase, a cluster, is formed in a previously single-phase system. These clusters are called nuclei in wet chemistry...
Time crystals are periodic states exhibiting spontaneous symmetry breaking in either time-independent or periodically-driven quantum many-body systems. Spontaneous modification of discrete time-translation symmetry in periodically-forced physical systems can create a discrete time crystal (DTC) constituting a...