In their larval form, the tadpoles develop in water and herbivorous. All amphibian species are protected, so they should not be collected in the nature. We can purchase frogs for dissection from biological supply companies or from fishing firms....
Theurinary systemconsists of the frog’skidneys, ureters, bladder, and cloaca. The kidneys are organs that excreteurine. Connected to each kidney is aureter, a tube through which urine passes into theurinary bladder, a sac that stores urine until it passes out of the body through the cloaca...
“A great first attempt at a virtual lab on the iPad”.- IEAR “A realistic digital frog dissection program”.- School Tech Talk “Frogs of the world, rejoice”- Recombu “Those that are in favor of the “traditional” dissection argue that there is no replacement for a real frog. Ema...
Dissection of a Sheep's Eye Vitreous Humor Nictitating membrane image from: •Jaw muscles Vomerine teeth Maxillary Teeth •Internal nares •Floor of orbits •Eustachian tube opening •Esophagus opening (Gullet)...
“Inside Nature’s Giants” shows dissections of a whale, elephant, giraffe, tiger, anaconda, giant squid, etc., so it’s probably the closest we’ll ever get. Go look up photos of Dr. Joy Reidenberg standing, um,amidsta partially-dissected whale, or just watch that episode, and your...
Alternative to the Frog Dissection –for students who do not wish to dissect a frog, project using internet resources Ultimate Frog Anatomy Review –resource site for virtual frogs and practice quizzes Label the Anatomy of a Frog –basic pictures of frogs for students to label, serves as a ...
19、A study of Digital Frog 2 at George Mason University found the program more effective thandissection, with students learning more in 44 percent less time.(在乔治梅森大学所做的数字青蛙2的调查,发现此程序比实体解剖更有效,学生学到更多的知识而学习时间则减少44%。) ...
YA/B045 Frog Dissection Model This 3 times life-size model provides a highly accurate illustration of the morphology of a frog. The following parts are removable: Heart and lungs, liver and stomach, intestine. The ventral part is open to show great detai
“Frogs of the world, rejoice”- Recombu “Those that are in favor of the “traditional” dissection argue that there is no replacement for a real frog. Emantras Interactive Technologies disagrees and have created a quality frog dissection iPad app which can be used as an alternative to real...
Make dissection exciting yet safe by using a combination of resources that include preserved specimens, dissection models and guides, creative activities and more. Digital Dissection Getting Nerdy Preserved Specimens Dissection Supplies Dissection Guides ...