and Gerla, M. (2005) New Architectures and Disruptive Technologies for the Future Internet: the Wireless, Mobile and Sensor Network Perspective, NSF Wireless Mobile Planning Group Workshop, 49pp.New Architectures and Disruptive Technologies for the Future Internet: The Wireless - Raychaudhuri, Gerla ...
This 50 billion USD industry is disruptive as it affects the workforce in developed and developing countries alike. This is because the workers in developed countries perceive the gig economy as having less opportunity and being more of a threat. While for the workers in developing countries, the...
The conclusion is that policies on urban form should be driven not by existing technologies but by the disruptive technologies of the future. The increased use in distributed energy generation in urban areas (generally roof-mounted photovoltaics), the growth in ownership of electric vehicles and the...
In the 1950s, people welcomed the electricity industry as the state-of-the-art technological field that they believed would enlighten the future. The industry suffered from lack of technology and engineers until the latter part of the decade. There were only a handful of primary-level technicians...
Disruptive technology, often referred to asdisruptive innovation, is when a newbusiness modelattracts an underserviced market or revenue stream and grows until it supplants incumbent competitors. Technologies are not in themselves disruptive, but their application in a new business model can be. ...
While new technologies are being developed all the time, not all of them are disruptive. To be considered disruptive, a technology must meet certain criteria. First, it must be significantly different from existing technologies in the market. Second, it must be able to create a new market or...
Clayton Christensen的颠覆性创新理论旨在描述新技术(革命性变革)对公司存在的影响。 1997年,Clayton Christensen 在《创新者的困境:当新技术使大公司破产》(The Innovator's Dilemma:When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail)一书中,首次提出了“颠覆性技术(Disruptive Technologies)”一词。
New research directions will lead to fundamental changes in the design of future fifth generation (5G) cellular networks. This article describes five technologies that could lead to both architectural and component disruptive design changes: device-centric architectures, millimeter wave, massive MIMO, sma...
University of New South WalesJenny EdwardsLibrary ManagementSusan Lafferty and Jenny Edwards, "Disruptive Technologies: What Future Universities and Their Libraries?," Library Management 25, no. 6 (2004): 252-258.Lafferty, S., & Edwards, J. 2004. Disruptive Technologies: What Future Universities ...
Disruptive technologies, like the Internet, industrial agriculture, and aeronautics, have profoundly shaped the world and our daily lives. Here are five technologies that are on the cusp of having a disruptive impact in coming years.