什么是颠覆性创新(Disruptive Innovation)? Clayton Christensen的颠覆性创新理论旨在描述新技术(革命性变革)对公司存在的影响。 1997年,Clayton Christensen 在《创新者的困境:当新技术使大公司破产》(The Innovator's Dilemma:When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail)一书中,首次提出了“颠覆性技术(Disruptive...
Disruptive innovation is a process rather than a one-time-only activity or standalone technology. Disruption happens when a smaller company's product or service becomes the main choice, displacing the product or service provided by an incumbent or an established business. This is because the latter...
There's no single definition of innovation, and it's an elusive concept. But one definition of innovation that we like - and that can also be said to be the single most important and most successful innovation strategy in the business of food and health - is "disruptive innovation". It'...
Disruptive technology, often referred to asdisruptive innovation, is when a newbusiness modelattracts an underserviced market or revenue stream and grows until it supplants incumbent competitors. Technologies are not in themselves disruptive, but their application in a new business model can be. ...
disruptive innovations such as the cell phone and the two-year community college. relating to or noting a business executive or company that introduces or is receptive to such innovation: disruptive CEOs with imagination and vision. Discover More ...
One of these issues is the actual definition of disruptive innovation. It appears that despite the widespread use of the term by both managers and academics, there is still a rather unclear understanding of what constitutes disruptive innovation. In its original formulation, Christensen (1997) ...
Define disruptive technology. disruptive technology synonyms, disruptive technology pronunciation, disruptive technology translation, English dictionary definition of disruptive technology. Any technology that causes a revolution in traditional business
What Is Disruptive Innovation? Disruptive innovation refers to the transformation or tremendous change that occurs due to the introduction or development of a new technology or process. The term traces its origins to a 1995 issue of the Harvard Business Review in an article in which Harvard...
The term is becoming more widely recognised, but a consistent view of what disruptive innovation is or how it is defined is missing. This paper explores the different dimensions of disruptive innovation put forward by different authors and proposes a working definition as a key building block for...
technology in their own operations and target new markets that can incorporate it into their business processes. These are the "innovators" of the technology adoption lifecycle. Other companies may take a more risk-averse position and adopt an innovation only after seeing how it performs for ...