1. to put out of a competition etc for breaking rules. She was disqualified for being too young.descalificar 2. to make unfit for some purpose. His colour-blindness disqualified him for the Air Force.inhabilitardisˌqualifiˈcation (-fi-) noun descalificación Kernerman English Multilingual...
Air Force, and the U.S. Army endorse similar concepts. Except for the U.S. Navy definition, aeronautical adaptability does not include formal DSM-IV-TR diagnoses, and, thus, flight surgeons and aviation medical examiners often make difficult aeromedical dispositions based on vague and subjective ...
2) temporarily unsuitable for flight 飞行暂不合格3) flying qualification 飞行合格 1. Objective To present the descriptive epidemiology on flying qualification for the flight personnel in Chinese army and air force. 8%飞行合格,其中心脏病科占18。
Tom Pennington/Getty Images
The data were collected from Iran air force medical records and medical council files, sorted in a predesigned electronic sheet. Results: Out of 228 cases of early medical discharges, 181 items were considered a medical disqualification, and the remaining 47 was for on service killed persons. ...