METHOD FOR BURNING AND DISPOSING PCB WASTE OILPURPOSE: To effect perfect combustion disposal by raising combustion temperature in a furnace body to a decomposition temperature required for the oxidation decomposition of PCB.TAMURA TETSUTO田村 哲人...
METHOD FOR BURNING AND DISPOSING PCB WASTE OILPURPOSE: To effect perfect combustion disposal by raising combustion temperature in a furnace body to a decomposition temperature required for the oxidation decomposition of PCB. ;CONSTITUTION: The method for burning and disposing PCB waste oil comprises ...
CONSTITUTION:Toxic industrial waste contg. one or more among Cd, Pb, As, Cr<6+>, cyanogen and a harmful compd. such as PCB is mixed with cement, fine aggregate, zeolite, silica fume, fossil shells and water. This mixture is kneaded with a mixer and the kneaded material is charged into...
Appliances contaminated by hydrocarbon-containing material harmful to the environment often have to be stored in special waste disposal dumps in order to be depolluted, which leads to considerable expenditure. According to the present invention, the appliances are heated in a thermal processing chamber...