Disposal of Unused Drugs in the Community.Disposal of Unused Drugs in the Community.doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000471936.46794.7fDiane SAschenbrennerThe American journal of nursingAschenbrenner (2015) Disposal of unused drugs in the community. AJN 115(10):20–21...
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and White House Office of National Drug Control Policy for safe disposal of unused drugs including the use of undesirable substance to lessen its appeal to pets or children, removing patient information, and disposing it in a municipality collection center....
Knowledge, attitudes, opinions, and practices regarding the disposal of unused drugs: A qualitative study doi:10.5455/njppp.2021.11.04119202118042021DRUG disposalDRUG side effectsQUALITATIVE researchSEWAGE disposal plantsNational Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy & ...
assess as many participants were completely unaware of the presence of dropboxes in the community and also expressed concerns about the inconvenience of proper disposal using dropboxes These findings have implications for developing community-based campaign messages promoting proper disposal of unused ...
The Indian Pharmaceutical Association has urged the Union Health Ministry to put in place some mechanism to handle an important issue of disposal of expired and unused drugs. This issue is all the more relevant as the domestic pharma sector is valued atRs.1.2 lakh crore and associated with this...
Main outcome measure number of expired and unused medications in families, behavior and knowledge about the disposal of medications. Results Of 230 families, 208 (108 urban and 100 rural) agreed to participate and complete the questionnaire(90 % response rate). The drugs were mostly kept in a ...
India must put in place a regulation for safe disposal of unused or expiry dated drugs: Dr Sujit Paul
In the past, the drugswere probably disposed of down the toilet,as pharmacists did not have the timeto become involved in a prescriptiondrug destruction program. Over the years, we have had physicianstell their patients to return theirunused drugs to them when they saidthat they were ineffective...
Practice and opinion of pharmacists toward disposal of unused medicines in Indonesia doi:10.31838/ijpr/2021.13.01.434YOGYAKARTA (Indonesia)INDONESIAPHARMACISTSCARDIOVASCULAR agentsENVIRONMENTAL degradationENVIRONMENTAL medicineNONPRESCRIPTION drugsPUBLIC safetyINSULIN aspartBackground: Medic...
WICHITA FALLS, Texas (KAUZ) - United Regional and the Wichita Falls Police Department will be holding an event for the safe disposal of expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs. The event will be held on Friday, Nov. 8, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. ...