In 2023, the highest average amount of disposable income for any age group occurred in the 35 to 44-year-old group, while the age group with the lowest average disposable income were those aged 85 and over.
UK household disposable income dropped below pre-pandemic levels in the fiscal year to March 2023 even as state support helped reduce inequality, underlining the impact of rising prices and higher interest rates on personal finances. Median household disposable income was £34,500 in the fiscal ye...
该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2020,达53,363.000英镑,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-1978,为23,547.000英镑。CEIC提供的AAHI:可支配收入数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Office for National Statistics,数据归类于全球数据库的英国 – Table UK.H078: Average Annual Household Income。
the patient's household disposable income and assets as well as the actual cost of the medical item. 食物及衞生局副局長回應時表示,當 局根據病人的家庭可動用收入及資 產, 以及有關醫療 項目的實際費用來釐定基金的資助金額。 Diabetes-related costs can eat up 15 to...
网络家庭可支配收入 网络释义 1. 家庭可支配收入 家庭可支配收入,disposable... ... )disposable household income家庭可支配收入) Domestic income distribution 家庭收入分配 ...|基于4个网页 例句
Keith BarnesPalgrave Macmillan UKEconomic & Labour Market ReviewOffice for National Statistics (2012) Regional Gross Disposable Household Income 2010Office for National Statistics (2012) Regional Gross Disposable Household Income 2010. London: ONS.
disposable income ,discretionary income- Disposable income is money you have left after paying taxes; discretionary income is money left over after paying for rent, food, utilities, and life's other necessities. See also related terms forrent. ...
household disposable income 读音:美英 household disposable income基本解释 家庭可支配收入 分词解释 household家庭,户 disposable一次性的,可任意处理的 income收入,进款 household disposable income是什么意思 household disposable income怎么读 household disposable income在线翻译 household disposable income中文意思 ...
This quarter, the Regional Economic Indicators article focuses on Gross Disposable Household Income (GDHI) which is a key measure of economic welfare and of the prosperity of residents living in a region. This article analyses the dispersion in GDHI per head between UK regions and sub鈥恟e...|基于3个网页 3. 家庭可支配收入 为了减轻负担的人民,特别是弱势群体,努力将采取增加家庭可支配收入(household disposable income)。尤其是在这个充 …|基于 1 个网页 更多释义 例句