DXGKCB_PINFRAMEBUFFERFORSAVE pins down the entire frame buffer at once. DXGKCB_PINFRAMEBUFFERFORSAVE2 The DxgkCbPinFrameBufferForSave2 callback function pins an entire frame buffer at once. DXGKCB_POWERRUNTIMECONTROLREQUEST Called by the display miniport driver to exchange information with the Power...
The graph plotting widget uses normal mathematical conventions within graphs. Contents 1.2 Screen Window and Widget objects A Screen is a window which occupies the entire display. A Screen can overlay another, replacing all its contents. When closed, the Screen below is re-displayed. This default...
Menu refers to the entire component. MenuItem is a leaf, or node, that corresponds to a tab on the first or second level. MenuBar corresponds to a tab that contains MenuBars, or MenuItems.Menu contains the following properties:layout - A String with value horizontal or vertical. A value ...
Show "command counters" based on the Com_* values in SHOW GLOBAL STATUS. This is a new feature. Feedback welcome. d Show only threads connected to a particular database. f Given a thread id, display the entire query that thread was (and still may be) running. F Disable all filtering...
VB.net Word how to select the entire document to copy and paste into another document vb.net xmlhttp.send ... the parameter is incorrect VB.NET--HOW TO CLEAR IMAGE IN picture box WHEN CLEAR BUTTON IS CLEARED. VB.NET: Check To See If A Process Is Running VB.NET: Check to see if...
c# how do i set entire worksheet to ignored errors=true code is called in controller create C# LINQ How to Delete a row from database table... Convert the SQL Statement. C# LINQ Statement that SELECT records between dates C# list search using StartsWith and Wildcard *, is that possible?
However, the method cannot be used when the button text is changed, unless each time it is changed the entire screen is redrawn. If only the button is redrawn and not the entire screen, the fill color must not be TRANSPARENT_COLOR so that when the button is filled it erases the old ...
IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 requires that the entire text input be repeated count times. Move Backward to Preceding Word Historically, vi became confused if word commands were used as motion commands in empty files. IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 requires that this be an error. Historical implementations of vi ...
Calculates and prints the digest of the DER encoded version of the entire certificate (see digest options). This is commonly called a "fingerprint". Because of the nature of message digests, the fingerprint of a certificate is unique to that certificate and two certificates with the same finger...
Programs managed by a Program3D object control the entire rendering of triangles during a Context3DdrawTriangles()call. Upload the binary bytecode to the rendering context using theuploadmethod. (Once uploaded, the program in the original byte array is no longer referenced; changing or discarding ...