OMXA tcode in SAP CO (Product Cost Controlling in CO) module. This transaction code is used for Display Quantity Structure Type. Here is it details, technical data etc.
check this-ME5A->choose dynamic selection (shift+f4)--->under Purchase requisition drop arrow choose Subject to release->further choose copy selected arrow->further choose NO in the dropdown of subject to release->run the report with all the other inputs regards, indranil You must be a regi...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development sandra.rossi thanks it worked fine but now i have a problem because i created a method handle_data_changed and inside this method if my field has a invalid value then is added error to CALL METHOD pr_data_changed->add_protocol_entry and showed by C...
KOSRLIST SAP tcode for – Collective Displ.: Settlement Rules KOSRLIST tcode in SAP CO (Overhead Cost Controlling in CO) module. This transaction code is used for Collective Displ.: Settlement... AUAY SAP table for – Settlement Document: Totals Keys AUAY table in SAP CO (Overhead Cost...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi ,, CHECK VF45 T-CODE ITS GIVES TWO ALV GRIDS IN THE OUT PUT SCREEN BUT NOT SIDE BY SIDE THERE ARE ONE BELOW THE OTHER Thanks venki Reply Former Member Options 2007 Jun 055:22 PM 0Kudos ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Try passing parameters dynpprog dynppr and dynprofield as below: CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING retfield = 'PSTYV' value_org = 'S' dynpprog = sy-cprog dynpnr = sy-dynnr dynprofield = 'SO_PSTYV-LOW' TABLES value_tab = gt...
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Inserimento testo facilitato Tastiera QWERTY virtuale a 4 righe; Dizionario predittivo con correttore automatico; Riconoscimento vocale (solo con connessione dati tramite servizio Google); T9 con tastiera 3x4 E-mail POP3 / IMAP4, Gmail con servizio push tramite client nativo Android, Compat...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Global Trade Services Hi GTS Expert, I understand that all the materials are automatically transferred from ECC to GTS thru batchjob. How can I display all the transferred materials from GTS? do we have a TCode to view all the materials? I'm trying to work on Pr...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Extended Warehouse Management In PRDO, The outbound delivery field value is not displaying in the QA and production systems. However, upon checking in development system, the delivery number is displayed. I checked the table /SCDL/DB_DLVH_O in QA system and the outbou...