Mac-address Flapping Configurations MAC地址漂移配置。 Flapping detection MAC地址漂移检测功能状态。 Enable:已经配置了MAC地址漂移检测功能。 Disable:没有配置MAC地址漂移检测功能。 Aging time MAC地址漂移表项的老化时间。 Quit-vlan Recover time(m)
MAC address flapping detection status: Enable: MAC address flapping detection is enabled. Disable: MAC address flapping detection is disabled. Aging time(s) Aging time of flapping MAC addresses. Quit-vlan Recover time(m) Delay time before the interface joins a VLAN again after it is removed fr...
交换机displayinterfaceg000相关输出与报错信息 交换机displayinterfaceg000相关输出与报错信息 图上设备为H3C交换机 红线标注位置为输⼊错误;CRC校验值较⾼;⼀般为物理层线路问题;建议⾸先排除⽹线问题 overrun 值较⾼多为带宽利⽤率过⾼;h3c 查看接⼝利⽤率 .查看接⼝进⽅向的使⽤率:dis...
红线标注位置为输入错误;CRC校验值较高;一般为物理层线路问题;建议首先排除网线问题 overrun 值较高多为带宽利用率过高; h3c 查看接口利用率 .查看接口进方向的使用率:dis counter rate inbound interface 2.查看接口出方向的使用率:dis counter rate outbound interface 3.查看接口历史使用率:dis int | inc rate ...
MAC address flapping configuration. Flapping detection MAC address flapping detection status: Enable: MAC address flapping detection is enabled. Disable: MAC address flapping detection is disabled. Aging time(sec) Aging time of flapping MAC addresses. Quit-vlan Recover time(m) Delay time before the ...
MAC address flapping detection status: Enable: MAC address flapping detection is enabled. Disable: MAC address flapping detection is disabled. Aging time(s) Aging time of flapping MAC addresses. Quit-vlan Recover time(m) Delay time before the interface joins a VLAN again after it is removed fr...
MAC address flapping detection status: Enable: MAC address flapping detection is enabled. Disable: MAC address flapping detection is disabled. Aging time(s) Aging time of flapping MAC addresses. Quit-VLAN Recover time(m) Delay time before the interface joins a VLAN again after it is removed fro...
MAC address flapping detection status: Enable: MAC address flapping detection is enabled. Disable: MAC address flapping detection is disabled. Aging time(s) Aging time of flapping MAC addresses. Quit-VLAN Recover time(m) Delay time before the interface joins a VLAN again after it is removed fro...
MAC address flapping detection status: Enable: MAC address flapping detection is enabled. Disable: MAC address flapping detection is disabled. Aging time(s) Aging time of flapping MAC addresses. Quit-VLAN Recover time(m) Delay time before the interface joins a VLAN again after it is removed fro...