display mac-address dynamic[vlanvlan-id|interface-typeinterface-number]*[verbose] 参数说明 参数 参数说明 取值 vlanvlan-id 查看VLAN编号是vlan-id的动态MAC地址表项信息。 整数形式,取值范围是1~ 4094。 interface-typeinterface-number 查看出接口为指定接口的动态MAC地址表项,其中: ...
If the displayed dynamic MAC address entries are invalid, run the undo mac-address command to delete dynamic MAC address entries. Precautions If you run the display mac-address dynamic command without parameters, all dynamic MAC address entries are displayed. If the MAC address table...
display mac-address{ap-id|ap-name}命令用来查看AP有线口动态MAC地址、安全动态MAC及Sticky MAC表项。 命令格式 display mac-address{ap-idap-id|ap-nameap-name}interface-typeinterface-number 参数说明 参数 参数说明 取值 ap-idap-id 查看指定AP ID的有线口所有动态MAC地址、安全动态MAC及Sticky MAC表项。
dis mac-address GigabitEthernet 0/0/X #查看某端口下mac地址表项 dis mac-address dynamic #查看系统所有动态MAC地址表项。 此处dynamic可以替换为blackhole、static、security、sticky、summary分别查看黑洞MAC、静态MAC、安全动态MAC、绑定 MAC、MAC表项汇总信息。 dis mac-address 000c-292e-b4a3 #查看000c-292...
static 0/ Total matching items on slot 0 displayed =1 MAC address table of slot 0: MAC Address VLAN/ PEVLAN CEVLAN Port Type LSP/LSR-ID VSI/SI MAC-Tunnel 5489-989d-1d30 1 Eth0/0/1 dynamic 0/- 5489-9885-18a8 1 Eth0/0/2 dynamic 0/- Total matching items on slot 0 displayed...
display mac-address display mac-address aging-time display mac-group display mac-limit display mac-limit display memory-usage display mfr display mpls compression iphc display mpls forwarding-table display mpls interface display mpls l2vc display mpls l2vc display mpls l2vc display mpls l2vpn display...
Type:S-Static D-Dynamic A-Authorized IP Address MAC Address VLAN ID Interface Aging Type 001c-233d-5695 N/A GE0/0 17 D 0013-728e-4751 N/A GE0/1 19 D 从以上输出可以判断___。(选取一项或多项) A. 具备IP 地址172.16.0.1 主机连接在端口GE0/0 上 B. 具备MAC...
For an APPN node, to display information about a dynamic XCF local SNA PU representing the connection to another VTAM, you can specify one of the following names: The name of the PU The CP name (or SSCP name) of the other VTAM with IDTYPE=XCFCP For a pure subarea node, to displa...
mac-address MAC address information mac-authentication MAC authenticate config information mac-vlan MAC VLAN configuration information mad Multi-active detection memory Display memory information mib-style MIB style mirroring-group Specify mirroring-group ...