如果显示出这个界面,再点击是就可以了。 当你要调用图像化界面时它直接会报错:DISPLAY environment variable is undefined.Please set it. 这个时候下面也给了解决方法。 报错示例: root@compute9:/data/nccode/0522DM/bin# ./sysConfig.sh JAVA_HOME environment variable is undefined.Please set it. example: ...
简介: 不支持图形化界面的Linux系统如何显示图像化界面?飞腾服务器显示图像化界面方法,DISPLAY environment variable is undefined问题解决方法 我用的本地 windows 环境访问的飞腾服务器,这个服务器里的系统是不支持图像化界面的,需要通过 display 指定自己的电脑来显示图像化界面。 命令如下,这个 ip 是对应自己电脑的,...
如果显示出这个界面,再点击是就可以了。 当你要调用图像化界面时它直接会报错:DISPLAY environment variable is undefined.Please set it.这个时候下面也给了解决方法。 报错示例: 代码语言:javascript 复制 root@compute9:/data/nccode/0522DM/bin#./sysConfig.shJAVA_HOMEenvironment variable isundefined.Pleaseseti...
Linux下正常命令安装Domino,当安装成功后启动Domino进行配置时 根据出错提示,开始以为是ulimit配置参数的问题,遂通过ulimit -n命令修改该参数(具体方法参见该文档。。。或者这里),然后重新启动,错误依旧。 试用/opt/ibm/lotus/bin/server -listen命令采用远程工具进行配置,输入该命令后出现下图所示: 根据提示,以为说8585...
Linux命令行使用matplotlib,报错_tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable问题解决 Linux命令行使用matplotlib,报错_tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable问题解决
If the user messed up with environment variables, we can't do much. Moreover, the call to XOpenDisplay could fail for other reasons than a missing DISPLAY environment variable. Member Bromeon commented Apr 19, 2014 What about checking the returned value of the unique XOpenDisplay() call ...
<!DOCTYPE html> Document *{padding: 0px;margin: 0px;} ul { list-style: ...
Improved support for the __GL_SYNC_DISPLAY_DEVICE and VDPAU_NVIDIA_SYNC_DISPLAY_DEVICE environment variables in certain configurations. Both environment variables will now recognize all supported display device names. See "Appendix C. Display Device Names" and "Appendix G. VDPAU Support" in the REA...
Updated the build process for NVIDIA kernel modules to honor theINSTALL_MOD_DIR Kbuild environment variable. Added support for R8, GR88 and YCbCr GBM formats. Optimized the X driver headless framerate limiter to more closely mimicupstream behavior and prevent it from activating in inconvenientsituati...
I had installedibglvnd-devwhen this error occurred. Unfortunately, even after setting the environment variables exportMAGNUM_LOG=verboseandMAGNUM_GPU_VALIDATION=ON, the issue still persists. There is one peculiar thing. I built habitat-sim from source, and when I run./build/viewer data/scene_da...