1. 解释"display environment variable not set"的含义 "display environment variable not set"这一错误提示表明,Oracle Net Configuration Assistant(Oracle网络配置助手)在尝试运行时未能找到或识别到必要的显示环境变量。这通常发生在图形界面(GUI)应用程序尝试在没有正确设置图形环境的情况下运行时。 2. 提供可能导致...
鲲鹏环境下安装weblogic报“can't connect to x11 window server using ':0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable”错误,详细报错信息如下: Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors. DISPLAY environment variable not set. Failed <<< can't connect to x11 window server usin...
***DISPLAY environment variable not set! Oracle Net Configuration Assistant is a GUI tool which requires that DISPLAY specify a location where GUI tools can display. Set and export DISPLAY, then re-run. 解决方法:切换root下 export DISPLAY= 设置DISPLAY为IP地址加上1.0...
Hi, I try to connect remotely on my Jetson Orin using x2go but i am getting the following error : ‘Display’ environment variable not set ssh -X works perfectly suggesting that my ssh configuration is correct. I tri…
Hi all, Recently, I am not being able to submit fluent jobs on the supercomputer. Every time I try to submit the job, the scheduler returns this error: Warning: DISPLAY environment variable is not set. Graphics and GUI will not operate correctly without
centos7.4下lxc中运行firefox出现“Error: no DISPLAY environment variable specified”问题解决方法 出现此原因是firefox使用X11进行界面的显示,而lxc中默认下没有DISPLAY的环境变量的。 只要合理配置DISPLAY就可以在本地显示器中显示出firefox,下面列出操作步骤。
RuntimeError: [Open3D ERROR] GLFW Error: X11: The DISPLAY environment variable is missing 分析: GLFW是创建OpenGL上下文,以及操作窗口的第三方库。GUI(Graphical User Interface)指采用图形方式显示的计算机操作用户界面。 看一下当前窗口DISPLAY环境变量的值。在VSCode的Terminal输入: ...
In which conditions would the DISPLAY environment variable not be defined? Author Darkz commented Dec 15, 2013 Well it should be correctly defined by X11 at startup, but it could be wrongly set by the user, or incorrectly set by trying to use X11 over SSH ( not the best example as ...
Oracle Fusion Middleware - Version and later: Launching Oracle Universal Installer Fails with "DISPLAY environment variable not set. Failed <<<"