Since our official launch in 2013, we have always stuck to our mission statement: We strive to provide web-related services that go above and beyond the expectations of our customers at a fair and reasonable price. Web design and digital marketing ...
Software-wise, there are two possible alternatives to fbcp-ili9341: notro/fbtft + tasanakorn/rpi-fbcp Use an ad hoc drawing library that provides both drawing primitives plus the display interface, e.g. adafruit/Adafruit_Python_ILI9341. Resources The following links proved helpful when writing ...
repertoire size, and versatility of sexual display and the subsequent probability of observation at the breeding colony in the greater flamingo: age, age2, date, sex, group size, hour and year were tested on SDC, repertoire size and versatility; age, age2, SDC, and sex on probability of o...
Using the internal SRAM instead of an external SRAM or SDRAM has many advantages: • higher throughput (0 wait state access) • reduced number of required pins and PCB design complexity • reduced BOM, hence cost, since no external memory is needed The only limitation when using the ...
Continuation of Clash Verge - A Clash Meta GUI based on Tauri (Windows, MacOS, Linux) - fix: Custom GLOBAL group display error · dravenk/clash-verge-rev@9125a85
In cases where no statistical difference was found between more than two groups, the overall analysis of variance (ANOVA) P value is presented. Reporting Summary Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article....
1. I am doing something wrong (either using the wrong values, or overlooking some option of the software that must be set in order to achieve my goal) 2. my system (fact that it is 64bit, or some other condition) does not allow functionality with the driver or 3. The design of the...
This approach constrained protein design and prevented analysis of how specific Ccw12 regions affect surface display. By adopting a structure-oriented approach, we identified functional sections of Ccw12 and opted to retain or exclude them. Thus, we designed fusion proteins lacking the N-glycosylated...
Coffee is the most widely consumed source of caffeine worldwide, partly due to the psychoactive effects of this methylxanthine. Interestingly, the effects of its chronic consumption on the brain’s intrinsic functional networks are still largely unknown. OPEN Functional display of bioactive peptides on the vGFP scaffold Sharon Min Qi Chee1, Jantana Wongsantichon2, Lau Sze Yi1, Barindra Sana1,Yuri Frosi1, Robert C. Robinson3,4 & Farid J. Ghadessy1* Grafting bioactive ...