插件制作Plugin Everything团队总会给我们带来惊喜,免费发布了这款专业置换贴图映射高级版AE插件 Displacer Pro,与AE自带的贴图映射插件功能更多,操控性更强,且支持GPU加速。 The humble AE displacement map with more features + juiced up on the GPU. And it’s free. ...
AEs Displacer Pro V1.0是一款由Plugin Everything出品的免费的AE图层贴图置换旋转缩放色差转场插件,具有非常多的功能,如可以通过自己喜欢的模式选择置换通道:色相,饱和度,亮度,红色等可以设置平移,旋转和缩放位移置换动画,包含强大的贴图调整功能:伽玛,柔和,缓和等等,内置抗锯齿,支持GPU加速,32bpc,重点这个插件还是免费...
doi:US20090087563 A1Voegele, GeraldWeisener, ThomasUSUS20090087563 Nov 2, 2004 Apr 2, 2009 Gerald Voegele Coating of displacer components (tooth components) for providing a displacer unit with chemical resistance and tribological protection against wear...
插件制作Plugin Everything团队总会给我们带来惊喜,免费发布了这款专业置换贴图映射高级版AE插件 Displacer Pro,与AE自带的贴图映射插件功能更多,操控性更强,且支持GPU加速。 The humble AE displacement map with more features + juiced up on the GPU. And it’s free. ...
The inventive method makes it possible to produce a chemically resistant, friction reduced structural component for displacing the chemically aggressive fluid.Gerald VoegeleThomas Weisener