Predictors of outcome of non-displaced fractures of the base of the fifth metatarsal. Int Orthop. 2007 Feb;31(1):5-10.Vorlat P, Achtergael W, Haentjens P. Predictors of outcome of non-displaced fractures of the base of the fifth metatarsal. Int Orthop. 2007;31(1):5-10....
The incision was extended distally and continued retrofibularly to the junction of the dorsal and plantar skin, where a smooth curve was made, curving the incision anteriorly toward the calcaneocuboid joint and the fifth metatarsal base. This approach minimizes sequelae of peroneal tendinitis and ...
1 asymptomatic nonunion treated nonoperatively, and 2 painful nonunions that required open reduction internal fixation with bone grafting.Conclusion: This large cohort described the relative incidence and functional outcomes of displaced oblique fracture of shaft of the fifth metatarsal bone treated nonope...
1 asymptomatic nonunion treated nonoperatively, and 2 painful nonunions that required open reduction internal fixation with bone grafting.This large cohort described the relative incidence and functional outcomes of displaced oblique fracture of shaft of the fifth metatarsal bone treated nonoperatively. No...
Conclusion: Patients who were treated non-operatively for displaced zone 1 fractures of the fifth metatarsal took on average 3 weeks longer to reach complete healing than operatively-treated patients. For patients with fracture gap greater than 2 mm on the oblique view, operative treat...
Drosos GI, Gavalas NS, Papoutsidakis AN (2000) Concomitant Lisfranc fracture-dislocation and displaced neck fractures of the lesser metatarsals: a case report. Foot and Ankle Surgery 6: 49-54Drosos GI, Gavalas NS, Papoutsidakis AN. Concomitant Lisfranc fracture-dislocation and displaced neck ...