关于您遇到的“messagedispatchingexception: dispatcher has no subscribers”异常,这个异常通常表明在消息分发的过程中,没有找到相应的订阅者来接收消息。以下是一些具体的解决步骤和考虑点,帮助您解决这个问题: 1. 确认异常信息的上下文 首先,确保您完全理解了异常发生的上下文。这个异常可能是在使用如Spring框架中的消息...
"Dispatcher has no subscribers for jms-channel"是一个错误消息,意味着在使用Spring集成Jms时,消息调度程序(Dispatcher)无法找到订阅该Jms通道的订阅者。这通常是由于配置错误或订阅者未正确注册引起的。 要解决这个问题,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 确保Jms通道的配置正确。...
MessageDispatchingException: Dispatcher has no subscribers, failedMessage=GenericMessage [] 报错代码 /** * @author aqin1012 AQin. * @date 2022/2/23 9:16 AM * @Version 1.0 */ @Configuration @IntegrationComponentScan public class MqttSenderConfig { @Autowired private MqttProperties prop; @...
This method will return successfully after the * event has been posted to all subscribers, and regardless...of any exceptions thrown by * subscribers...(eve...
@component @log4j2 @RefreshScope public class MQMessageListener { @Resource TDengineDao tdEngineDao; @Resource EquipmentDao equipmentDao; @Autowired DevMsgPipeline pipeline; @Value("${log.enable}") int logEnable; @StreamListener(value = ...
100% failure where the logs say 'Dispatcher has no subscribers for channel' and the backend listener method is never called same as 2 or 3, but after starting up, the listener picks up all of the "lost" messages from the previous round of tests ...
springcloud config利用bus 自动刷新 访问/actuator/bus-refresh 报错 Dispatcher has no subscribers springcloud版本 2.1.0.RELEASE config设置 server.port=8020 spring.application.name=configServer eureka.client.service-url.defaultZone=http://localhost:8000/eureka/...
thrownewMessageDeliveryException(message,"Dispatcher has no subscribers."); } List<RuntimeException>exceptions=newArrayList<RuntimeException>(); while(success==false&&handlerIterator.hasNext()){ MessageHandlerhandler=handlerIterator.next(); try{
thrownewMessageDeliveryException(message,"Dispatcher has no subscribers."); } List<RuntimeException>exceptions=newArrayList<RuntimeException>(); while(success==false&&handlerIterator.hasNext()){ MessageHandlerhandler=handlerIterator.next(); try{
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