the acute phase, to a constant rate of 41.6% by day 7 through day 30. Concomitantly, the prevalence of well-adapted rats rose from 0% to 25% over days 1–3045. This temporal pattern reaffirms that animals display an individual variation in response similar to humans46. That is, the ini...
Physiological psychology Electrophysiological Assessment of Visual Pathways in Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder YESHIVA UNIVERSITY Vance Zemon WeingerPaige MarielFindings demonstrate that short-duration stimuli, in conjunction with multivariate statistical analysis of the brain's responses, can ...
However, at this time, there are no definitive findings for any one gene or gene system in the aetiology of the disorder. Animal models have identified important molecular pathways that are likely to contribute to the pathophysiology of PTSD and may constitute promising therapeutic targets. Abstract...
The objective of the present study is to investigate the impact of Sex Chromosome Trisomy (SCT; XXX, XXY, XYY) on the early appearance of Autism Spectrum D
摘要: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, 3811 O'Hara Street, Bellefield Suite, 430 Bellefield Towers, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA. minshewnj@msx.upmc.edu关键词: Animals Neocortex Visual Pathways Memory Disorders Mental Processes Volition Cognition Disorders Autistic Disorder Saccades ...
Functional connectivity for an “Island of sparing” in autism spectrum disorder: An fMRI study of visual search. Hum Brain Mapp. 2012. Google Scholar Ramot M, et al, Direct modulation of aberrant brain network connectivity through real-time NeuroFeedback. Elife 2017;6. Google Scholar Baron...
These oculomotor and electrophysiological findings suggest delayed development of extrastriate cortical structures, possibly involving either an abnormality in figure-ground segregation or in attentional pathways. 展开 关键词: Visual development Infant eye movements Ocular motor apraxia Optokinetic nystagmus ...
In addition, many are sponsored by psychedelic companies such as Compass Pathways, and MAPS, making a positive outcome more likely. Sad. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: None Reported View Correction This Issue Views 579,562 Citations 724 0 Comments 2 Download PDF More Cite This Permissions Original ...
Computerized cognitive training (CCT) has also been investigated as a treatment option for those with ADHD. This is motivated by the notion that ADHD is potentially the result of weaknesses in neuropsychological processes thought to mediate causal pathways between originating causes (i.e., genes and...
Craving can be triggered by specific cues that can be external (e.g., visual stimuli associated with the habits of addiction) or internal (e.g., emotional states), or can occur independently. Craving predicts relapse, even after long periods of abstinence, thus being crucial in maintaining ...