Gender differences in health-related quality of life among cannabis users: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2012;123(1-3):190-200.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 6. Compton WM, Gfroerer J, Conway KP, Finger MS. Unemployment ...
Give the child small pieces of colored scrap chalk. Instruct them to hold the chalk piece between their thumb and first two fingers (the last two fingers can remain next to the second finger, but not touching the chalk). Allow the child to draw on the chalkboard using this ...
et al. Evaluating the replicability, specificity, and generalizability of connectome fingerprints. Neuroimage 158, 371–377 (2017). Article PubMed Google Scholar Grisanzio, K. A. et al. Transdiagnostic symptom clusters and associations with brain, behavior, and daily function in mood, anxiety, ...
Additionally, premature ejaculation may be treated by teaching him to control ejaculatory latency by means of the “squeeze” technique or the “pause” technique. The squeeze technique involves instructing him to masturbate to a point that he feels would result in ejaculation if he continued and s...
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Conduct Disorder (CD) share many core symptoms and associated features. In the ICD-11, ODD and CD have been grouped under “Disruptive Behavior or Dissocial Disorders.” In DSM-5, ODD and CD have been placed with..
MAN Hand and Finger and Other Complex Mannerisms, NESL Overall Level of Non-Echoed Language, OACT Overactivity, OINF Offers Information, OQR Overall Quality of Rapport, QSOV Quality of Social Overtures, QSR Quality of Social Response, REPT Reporting of Events, RITL Compulsions or Rituals, SINT...
Psychotic experiences can occur in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Some of the ASD individuals with these experiences may fulfil Clinical High-Risk for Ps
Participants were taken to the MRI scanner immediately following training, where they received two button boxes to tilt the vending machines using their right and left index finger. After making a structural scan, the instructions for the Pavlovian-Instrumental Transfer test started. The PIT and outc...
Both enrichment cluster analyses resulted in similar top clusters for the patients group (KRAB domain, zinc-finger protein family) and for the control group (serum amyloid A, high-density lipoprotein), confirming the integrity of both analyses. The most significant (p < 0.0001) GO functional...
Cardiac and respiration waveforms were measured simultaneously with fMRI using, respectively, a pulse oximeter attached to a nondominant finger and a thoracic respiration belt, both sampled at 40 Hz. Participants continuously rated changes in perceived cardiorespiratory intensity by rotating an MRI-...