The first refers more to conduct, the second to belief and one's mental attitude toward the object of disobedience. To the first belong such passages as refer to the overt act of disobedience to one's parents (Ro 1:30; 2Ti 3:2). Illustrating this more fully, the translation according ...
There needs to be a recognition of where the source of life is and a determination to stay at it. Backsliding is the prevailing human stubbornness after the experimental knowledge of salvation. Backsliding is never spoken of in the Bible as a degenerate tendency, but as a conscious forsaking....
8. (a) How is disobedience to parents viewed by some today? 8. (a) Ẹro vọ yen ihwo evo vwo ni uruemu ri jẹ ọghọemu rẹ emọ buebun djephia nonena? jw2019 The basic truth demonstrated over and over again in the thrilling account recorded in the Bible book...
We know from the book of Matthew that we’re commandedNOTto worry. But we are human. It’s not easy to lay aside our worry. Thankfully, the Bible gives us a solution for dealing with our worries in life: “Casting all your care upon him.” The solution to worry is talking to Jesu...
For government is an expedient, by which men would fain succeed in letting one another alone; and, as has been said, when it is most expedient, the governed are most let alone by it. Trade and commerce, if they were not made of india-rubber, would never manage to bounce over ...
“I will introduce those again in January. And I’m convinced, with the majority now in the House and the Senate, they’ll become law…”Northam and Democrats will now have an advantage in the assembly to pursue gun control measures that Republicans have pushed against and blocked. …A ...
“We must affect our country as our parents, And if at any time we alienate Out love or industry from doing it honor, We must respect effects and teach the soul Matter of conscience and religion, And not desire of rule or benefit.” I believe that the State will soon be able to take...