Take a spin through the silly streets of Toontown as you follow the adventures of Roger Rabbit. An Animated Neighbourhood Mickey's House and Meet Mickey Take a self-guided tour of Mickey Mouse's humble abode—and meet the town's biggest star. Minnie's House Enter the cutest house in Toont...
Mickey Mouse, often accompanied by Minnie Mouse) greets guests from the balcony during most Extra Magic Hours so make sure to look up and give thema wave as you enter Town Square. During summer 2024 we’ve been meeting Winnie the Pooh on the left of Town Square between the Storybook Store...
In July 2021 at Disneyland Paris, Minnie Mouse suffered an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction. Whilewaving to guestson top of the train station, her white bloomers fell down to her ankles. But Minnie giggled it off and went on with the show like a true queen! Family Brawl Breaks Out at Dis...
What Rides Are Open During Star Wars Nites? During Star Wars Nites at Disneyland, many rides are open for all guests. We know for certain that Disneyland plans to operate the Star Wars rides which include Star Tours – The Adventures Continue, Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run andStar Wars: ...
Take a spin through the silly streets of Toontown as you follow the adventures of Roger Rabbit. An Animated Neighborhood Mickey's House and Meet Mickey Take a self-guided tour of Mickey Mouse’s humble abode—and meet the town’s biggest star. ...
Meet Marvel superheroes, enjoy thrilling live shows, and snap photos with Mickey and Minnie at Fantasyland. Whether you’re braving exciting coasters or indulging in themed dining experiences, your ticket to Hong Kong Disneyland guarantees a day filled with joy, wonder, and cherished memories!
Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse have the same birthday. While this is not a planned event that you'll find on any schedule, if you hoppen to visit Disneyland on this day, you might get treated to some birthday surprises to celebrate these special characters. Disneyland has been known to han...
AND, if that’s not enough, our great friend and sponsor Randy Crane from Mouse Ear Vacations joins us to chat about his recent adventures at the HUGE Star Wars celebration at Disneyland. How GREAT IS THAT?! Hey, if YOU’RE in need of a great travel agent, why not give our sponsor...
Take a spin through the silly streets of Toontown as you follow the adventures of Roger Rabbit. An Animated Neighborhood Minnie’s House Enter the cutest house in Toontown during a walk-through tour and discover delights in every room.
At Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa, Storytellers Cafe will conjure an all-new autumn-inspired breakfast and brunch, complete with seasonal décor and characters debuting new festive looks. Read and see more in our post:Mickey’s Autumn Adventures Halloween & Thanksgiving Character Dining ...