The Princess and the Frog (2009) 98m Genre Animation, Romance, Fantasy, Family Stars Anika Noni Rose, Bruno Campos, Jim Cummings Directed by Ron Clements, John Musker Watch on Disney+ Based on the German folk story by the Brothers Grimm, Disney’sThe Princess and the Frogis a charming fam...
, Disney Characters Wallpapers, Guess The Princess Quiz, Name That Disney Movie - Free Triva Game, GUESS THE DISNEY HEROES, Guess Cartoon Characters, Disney Characters QuizPlease don’t forget to rate us and leave a suggestion for the improvement of the game.You can also comment your favorite...
The Disney film tried to retain as many details from the real Pocahontas as possible, which broke several records within the company. Pocahontas is actually the first Disney character to sport a tattoo, and the only Disney princess to do so. She has only one, a red tattoo on her right ar...