Elliepamp envisioned this in her work on DeviantArt, illustrating a fully grown Merida. As expected, she looks like a warrior. She has the same intense determination in her eye as she did inBrave, and still has her trusty bow and arrow. Also, true to her wild soul, this adult Merida s...
迪士尼 characters This 华特·迪士尼角色 粉丝艺术 might contain 彩色玻璃窗, 彩色玻璃窗口, 动漫, 漫画书, 漫画, 卡通, and 漫画卡通. The Aristocats 《K.O.小拳王》 added byLisia Source: princeriko from deviantart Walt 迪士尼 Posters - The Little Mermaid ...
(Edited by Alexthegeneralarteaga) Disneyfan789·8/1/2019 Copy Link He's one of my favorite Dumbo characters since I love trains. TheJaLeonard96·3/3/2023 Copy Link Same. YukonArizonaTrainz·7/22/2019 Copy Link ExplodingDynamite0·5/7/2021 ...
Well now Pugletto, a 24-year-old animator from Wisconsin, is reimagining what some of your favorite Disney characters would look like if they weren't animals. "I was actually scrolling through Deviantart one day and just got really frustrated about the amount of Simbas with white sk...
and how huge his works are in the East. There wasn’t one Japanese who didn’t react when the Lion King hit the theaters there (I was there at the time, and saw the movie there) people were like “What the F-CK!? This is ‘The Jungle Emperor’, fer gads sake!”. Tezuka’s ...