“Going where no car has gone before.” ―Tagline Cars 2is a2011American computer-animated comedy adventure film produced byPixar, and it is the sequel to the2006filmCars. In the film, race carLightning McQueen(voiced byOwen Wilson) and tow truckMater(voiced byLarry the Cable Guy) head to...
Fisher-Price DC Batwheels Race Track Playset, Launch & Race Batcave with Lights Sounds & 2 Toy Cars 44.8 out of 5 Stars. 4 reviews Hot Wheels The Super Mario Bros. Movie Jungle Kingdom Raceway Playset with Mario Die-Cast Toy Car, 17.01 in In 50+ people's carts Add $23.63current ...
In the animated adventure Cars 2, Lightning McQueen (voiced by Owen Wilson) finds himself competing in the first-ever World Grand Prix, a high-octane race to determine the world's fastest car. Alongside him is his trusty friend Mater (Larry the Cable Guy), who unwittingly gets drawn into ...
Disney Pixar Carsbrings you back to Radiator Springs after the events of the movie. Lightning McQueen has established his headquarters at the little dusty town and the one-light city is hustling and bustling with a life it hasn't seen since the Interstate was laid down. When I first saw th...
In the animated adventure Cars 2, Lightning McQueen (voiced by Owen Wilson) finds himself competing in the first-ever World Grand Prix, a high-octane race to determine the world's fastest car. Alongside him is his trusty friend Mater (Larry the Cable Guy), who unwittingly gets drawn into ...
All your favorite characters from the Disney Pixar film, CARS 2, in 1:55th scale. With authentic styling and details, these die cast characters are perfect for recreating all the great scenes from the movie. Collect them all! Star racecar Lightning McQueen and the incomparable tow truck Mater...
Race Team (Disney/Pixar Cars) (Step into Reading) [Paperback] Ready, set, GO! Lightning McQueen, the rookie hot-shot race car, is screaming his way down the track on his way to winning the Piston Cup. But when he gets... DR Shealy,DS Artists 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Movies Pixar has...
the exciting assortment of 1:55 vehicles offers huge variety and true to movie detail. Blindsided by a new generation of Piston Cup racers, Lighting McQueen finds himself suddenly pushed out of the sport he loves. To get back on top, he will need the help of a young race technician, ...
runDisney is Disney World's marathon and running event series. This guide provides race information, tips for novice runners, policies, etc.
. The first two films were directed by, the CEO of Pixar Animation Studios while the third movie was directed by.is considered to be Pixar's "anniversary" franchise as both films marked Pixar's 20th and 25th anniversaries respectively. Together, the three films have received over $1.4 ...