Disney Princess is a media franchise owned by The Walt Disney Company. Created by Disney Consumer Products chairman Andy Mooney in the late 1990s, the franchise spotlights a line-up of fictional female heroines who have appeared in various Disney animated feature films. The franchise currently compr...
disney party backdrop aladdin photo backdrop arch castle photo background rapunzel once upon a time canvas disney chateau backdrop Ranking Keywords disney princess birthday banner once upon time backdrop princess argenter birthday ariel backdrop girl birthday round background hello kitty plug ...
Aliases Princess AnnaMy LadyFeisty-Pants Relatives Elsa (older sister) King and Queen of Arendelle (parents; deceased) Kristoff (fiancé) Allies Elsa, Olaf, Hans (formerly), Sven, Kristoff, Marshmallow, The Duke of Weselton (formerly) Enemies Hans Marshmallow (formerly) The Duke of Weselton ...
Princess Mononoke (もののけ姫 Mononoke-hime) is a 1997 anime epic historical fantasy adventure film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It was animated by Studio Ghibli and produced by Toshio Suzuki. The film stars the voices of Yōji Matsuda, Yuriko
Princess Amber is the deuteragonist of the Disney Jr. animated series Sofia the First. She is Sofia's older stepsister, Prince James' older twin sister, and the crown princess of Enchancia. Amber was born alongside her twin brother James when their fathe
This leads her to seek freedom beyond the palace walls, despite the restrictions placed on her as a princess. Her rebellious streak also influences her progressive views, such as her belief that people should be judged by their character, not their background. This is evident in her ...
|The New Disney Princess|Ariel On The Beach|Disney Princess Party Volume 1| **Magical Celebrations for Every Occasion** Imagine the enchantment of a Disney Princess-themed party, where the beloved characters of Snow White, Alice, and Ariel come to life. This backdrop is not just a decoration...
(Belle sits on the edge of a fountain, singing to the sheep and the washing woman in the background, who leaves) Belle: ♪Oh, Isn’t this amazing? ♪ It’s my favorite part because, you’ll see! ♪ ♪ Here’s where she meets Prince Charming ♪ ♪ But she won’t ...
After granting her the gift of beauty and song they're interrupted by Maleficent. Not only does she curse the young princess but she completely steals their thunder. Not ideal when you're trying to impress a group of royals at their baby's debut to society. But not to fret, Merryweather...
You are free, though, to change the background if you want to. 3. If the round is dedicated to a specific princess, you are allowed to add other characters (ie the prince, pets or other princesses) into the scene if the game allows it. 4. Unless specified otherwise, "Any ...