Dive into the underwater world of Ariel, a young mermaid princess who dreams of exploring the world above the ocean's surface. With its captivating stories, lovable characters, and toe-tapping tunes, this animated series continues to enchant viewers with the same magic that made the or...
Over 29K filmgoers have voted on the 120+ films on Best Disney Animated Movies Of All Time. Current Top 3: The Lion King, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast
The Princess and the Frog is a 2009 American animated musical comedy adventure fantasy film based on E.D. Baker's novel The Frog Princess, which was in turn inspired by the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale The Frog Prince. The film opened in limited release in New York City and Los Angeles ...
For my money, this film has the best soundtrack ever of any Disney animated movie, not just a princess movie. While the true story of Pocahontas is not some fairytale that needs to be shown to children, this version took incredible liberties that prevent me from ranking it higher. But, f...
RELATED: These Disney Princess Movies Are So Old You'll Do A Double Take That said, eventually her determination to go beyond her locked home and her thriving sense of adventure proved to be bigger than her naivety. Anna The charming and free-spirited Anna from Frozen was one of the swee...
The Disney Renaissance. It is a time stretching fromThe Little Mermaid‘s release in 1989 until the end of the ’90s when Disney returned to be the undisputed rulers of animated cinema. The moms out there may want to note that this is the first time a Disney Princess speaks up for ...
The Princess and the Frog Tangled Winnie the Pooh Wreck-It Ralph Frozen Big Hero 6 Zootopia Moana Ralph Breaks the Internet Frozen II Raya and the Last Dragon Encanto Strange World Wish This category is for Disney animated films produced by Walt Disney Pictures as theatrical releases. Trending...
Filed Under:Movies At this point, Disney has remade so many animated classics, that it's started to move on to some of its more modern releases, and we recently got confirmation that the Mouse House is now looking at a movie that came out just over a decade ago. ...
Sofia the First: Once Upon a Princess is an animated television movie that premiered on November 18, 2012 on Disney Channel in the United States. It is the pilot for the animated series Sofia the First that premiered on January 11, 2013. Flora, Fauna, an
princess, a jealous old queen, cute forest creatures, the looming spectre of death). If it's narratively episodic, stitching together several sequences that were devised like the Silly Symphonies shorts the studio was long known for, it still plays like a contemporary animated feature – not ...