Elena of Avalor is an animated series that centers on Princess Elena, a brave and adventurous young royal who rules the magical kingdom of Avalor. After saving her kingdom from an evil sorceress, Elena embarks on her journey as crown princess, learning to lead with kindness and courage. The...
Disney Princess Layette Set for Baby $34.99 New Wrap your little one in the warmth and wonder of Disney Princesses with this 100% cotton layette set. The soft three-piece set comes with a long sleeve top, pants with attached slipper feet, and a plush crown headband. The allover print feat...
What we're trying to do with Princess and the Frog is hook up with things that the old guys did earlier. It's not going to be graphic...". He also mentions that Lasseter is aiming for the Disney sculptural and dimensional look of the 1950s. He quoted "all those things that were ...
Tiana Costume for Kids – The Princess and the Frog $49.99 (4) Your little princess is sure be crowned best dressed at the masquerade ball in this tiered Tiana costume. Beautifully detailed with green organza petal peplum, floral appliqués with a jeweled brooch at the waist, sparkling ...
Narrator: Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. But then, one winter’s night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and
This collectible Disney princess figurine comes on a sturdy base that’s full of Snow White’s woodland friends including an adoring deer gazing up at the exiled princess while two squirrels perch on his spotted back. The figurine features two rabbits and a raccoon, all waiting at Snow White’...
Disney has been making films starring princesses for nearly 80 years. Disney's marketing engine ensures that the princess we've come to love will be front and center long after the credits roll. Even if you haven't seen the film in which the princess first appeared, you probably know quite...
(1) Cheshire Cat (2) Chewbacca (5) Chip (1) Chip 'n Dale (4) Cinderella (15) Cruella De Vil (2) Daisy Duck (6) Darkwing Duck (1) Darth Maul (1) Darth Vader (8) Disney Junior's Ariel (3) Disney Princess (130) Doc McStuffins (2) Donald Duck (5) Dopey (1) Dory (1) ...
Disney has been making films starring princesses for nearly 80 years. Disney's marketing engine ensures that the princess we've come to love will be front and center long after the credits roll. Even if you haven't seen the film in which the princess first appeared, you probably know quite...
Moana is directed by the renowned filmmaking team of Ron Clements and John Musker (“The Little Mermaid,”“Aladdin,”“The Princess & the Frog”), produced by Osnat Shurer (“Lifted,”“One Man Band”), and features music by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Mark Mancina and Opetaia Foa‘i. ...