Centred around the forbidden romance of a young couple, “Snowdrop” features Jisoo’s debut-starring performance in a Korean drama that will take viewers on an emotional rollercoaster full of excitement, action, and romance. The series follows Yeong-ro as she goes against her family and her c...
Disney has announced that the new Korean drama series, “Vigilante” is going to be coming to Disney+ in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada on Wednesday 8th November 2023, which is the same day as the series will also be released on Disney+ throughout South East Asi...
Following the release of the original Korean series “Seoul Busters” on Hulu and Disney+ internationally, Hollywood Records released the soundtrack on digital platforms, including Amazon, Apple, and Spotify. The series tells the story of how, every year, Songwon Police Violent Crimes Unit 2 wins...
These are the best Disney Plus shows to watch right now, including Agatha All Along and Star Wars: Skeleton Crew.
What's On Disney Plus > connect 08 Dec 0 “Connect” Soundtrack Out Now Following the release of the new South Korean Disney+/Hulu Original series, “Connect”, WM Korea has released the soundtrack to the series on digital platforms, including Amazon, Spotify and Apple. “Connect” stars...
In other Korean television news, South Korean variety seriesStrong Heartis set to return, 10 years after it ended. TV network SBS confirmed today (March 20) that the classic show will be rebooted sometime this year. In addition, SBS also confirmed that original hosts Kang Ho-dong (who also...
Following the release of the season finale of the Korean Original series “Uncle Samsik”, Hollywood Records has released the soundtrack to the series on digital platforms such as Spotify, YouTube and Amazon. The series tells the story of Uncle Samsik, who introduces himself to Kim San as ...
a founding member of the BAU who returns to help the team solve new cases. This is one of the most-watched shows on any streaming service, and with over 300 episodes, you’ve got plenty to binge. Plus the revival series, “Criminal Minds: Evolution” is also exclusive to Disney+ in ...
以下是Disney Plus Informer报道: Disney+ has been gradually rolling out its operations across Asia. Back in October, Disney+ announced new Original Asia-Pacific films and TV shows for the region including the Korean series Snowdrop. Disney+已逐步在亚洲开展业务。早在10月,Disney+就宣布了新的亚太地...
The South Korean horror series, now streaming on Disney+, builds a steady (and stylish) sense of dread that will keep you on edge TV REVIEW By Geoffrey Bunting Former Disney Staffers Fire Back at CEO Bob Iger’s ‘Evil’ Comments