The Evil Queen (also known as the Wicked Queen, or simply, the Queen) is the main antagonist of Disney's 1937 animated feature film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and the first Disney villain in the Disney animated features canon. Determined to remain the fairest one of all, the Queen...
2.Old Yeller(1957) (Source: Wikipedia) Old Yeller is a 1957 American western drama film. It tells the story of a little kid and a stray dog in post-Civil War Texas. The film is based on Fred Gipson’s 1956 novel of the same name. The film’s success prompted a 1963 sequel, Savag...
This is one of the few Disney movies to still show the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center following their destruction in the September 11, 2001 attacks in real life. James and the Giant Peach: New York City serves as the primary destination for James' quest, having wanted to move ...
Contrary to popular belief, Jasmine's age has never been confirmed or even referenced in any of the Aladdin movies, television series, or other spinoff projects. In the original film, the Sultan declares that Jasmine must be married "by her next birthday", but never specifies how old she ...
NicktoonLover·8/8/2024 Copy Link I (kinda) remember this show. I believe I was 6. I had a DVD that had a certain episode of this show. I can’t remember what it is… HFFGTT·1/22/2024 Copy Link Jack.Carol89·2/2/2024 ...
All Marvel Movies Ranked 1.Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3(2023) (Source: Wikipedia) In 2023, Marvel Studios and Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures will release Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, an American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name. ...
The Lion Kingwas followed by two movies: the sequel,The Lion King II: Simba's Pride; and the part prequel-part parallel,The Lion King 1½. Additional spin-offs include the television seriesTimon & PumbaaandThe Lion Guard. In2019, the theatricalremakeof this film was released using photo...
ar:بينوكيوda:Pinocchioes:Pinocho (película)fr:Pinocchio (film)is:Gosiit:Pinocchio (film 1940)ja:ピノキオ(映画)nl:Pinokkio (film)pl:Pinokio (film 1940)pt-br:Pinóquio (filme)ru:Пиноккио (мультфильм)sv:Pinocchiotr:Pinokyozh:木偶奇遇记 ...
As you’ll see, there are movies on this list that do Space Teen better as a genre. 94. Alley Cats Strike (2000)Disney Channel has made movies about every possible sport. Some sports warrant multiple movies, like how every other DCOM is about basketball. Even so: Who was the audience ...
There are worse movies thanMad Dog Time —not many, but some. But I’m not sure there existsaweirderbad moviethanMad Dog Time, which features a truly great cast (Jeff Goldblum, Gabriel Byrne, Ellen Barkin, Richard Dreyfuss, Diane Lane, Gregory Hines, Burt Reynolds, Rob Reiner, Kyle MacL...