Also ranks #1 on Seemingly Happy Movie Endings With Unhappy Consequences 16 The Fox and the Hound Mickey Rooney, Kurt Russell, Pearl Bailey 127 votes In the heart of Disney's animated feature, The Fox and the Hound, we follow Tod (Mickey Rooney), a red fox kit, and Copper (Kurt Russell...
Nick Wilde is the deuteragonist of Disney's 2016 animated feature film Zootopia. He is a con-artist fox in the city of Zootopia who finds himself compelled to aid Officer Judy Hopps, a rabbit, in her investigation. Despite their differences, Nick forms a
Join a fearless cheerleader as she teams up with her zombie friends to solve a spine-tingling mystery threatening their peaceful coexistence in this captivating spin-off of the popular Disney Channel Original Movie. Filled with suspense, humor, and heart, this animated series will have view...
Disney's All-New House of Mouse will be a 2D/3D/Live Action. animated continuation to the original House of Mouse Show. The show will be hosted by Mickey Mouse and co-hosts, Sora, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, and Kermit the Frog. Also, this TV show will also
Maleficent is Mid-Line Control Role hero. Her ability to become a dragon is the same as it happened in the movie, it is also worth mentioning that the invocation of the forest of thorns is the same but only to stun enemies, she also has a friendship campaigns with Scar and Ursula. ...
People were excited when they saw Micky Mouse talk on the movie screen. Micky became popular with 7.the young and the old.Later, Walt Disney started to 8. a new amusement park(游乐园). He hoped to bring 9.clean,good and beautiful world to people of all ages. Finally, Walt Disney ...
Mulan has suddenly become a hopeless romantic, with no prior indication of this ever being a trait of hers; Mushu unlearned every single lesson from the first movie, and is a jerk for no reason; capable Captain Shang can barely function on his own. The plot barely makes sense, and it’...
When sound was starting to be used in movies Disney immediately made his Mickey Mouse take on the movie screen. Spectators(观众) old and young were delighted. Mickey is a wonderful clean mouse in a cleaned up world created by Walt Disney. Movies about Mickey Mouse had been popular with ...
People were excited whenthey saw Mickey Mouse talk on the movie screen. Mickeybecame popular with both the young and the old.Later, Walt Disney started to build a new kind ofamusement(娱乐) park. He hoped to bring a clean, good andbeautiful world to people of all ages. Finally, Wat ...
People were 25 and some of them cheered (欢呼) when they saw Mickey Mouse talk on the movie screen. Mickey became popular with both the young and the old. Later, Walt Disney 26 to build a new kind of amusement park (游乐场). He hoped to bring a clean, good and beautiful world ...