60 Easter Eggs from Every Modern Disney Movie 17 Legitimately Scary Disney Movies, Ranked By How Much They Kept Us Up At Night Disney Animated Characters Who Secretly Appear In Other Disney Movies Plot Holes In Disney Movies That Aren't Really Plot Holes The Best Disney Live-Action Remakes Sin...
Guest charactersThe Fates - Atropos (Paddi Edwards), Clotho (Tress MacNeille/Amanda Plummer), & Lachesis (Carole Shelley) from the movie reappear in some episodes, including one where they accidentally sink Atlantis. They also doubled as the Norse Norns in one episode. They tell the fate of...
1992's Goof Troop and 1995's A Goofy Movie redefined Pete as a suburban husband and father, with a personality that was less villainous and more domineering. In modern media, Pete remains one of Disney's most active characters and the quintessential antagonist to Mickey Mouse and his friends...
Tinker Bell served as the inspiration for the character of Joy, one of the five characters as the emotions of Riley Andersen from the 2015 Disney/Pixar movie Inside Out. In the original movie, Margaret Kerry, Tinker Bell's live-action reference model, also voiced one of the red-haired merm...
Goofy and his son Max are the co-protagonists of A Goofy Movie, which is based on the characters' appearances in the prior TV series Goof Troop. The film focuses on the father-son relationship between Goofy (who is clumsy, goofy, and not intelligent at all) and Max (who is a teenager...
I used to watch this movie all the time when I was like 5. O Chosen One·4/29/2021 Characters from the original cartoon who appear in this film are Underdog/Shoeshine, Sweet Polly Purebred, Simon Bar Sinister, Cad Lackey and Riff Raff. Retrosunshine2006·9/9/2020 This definitely lo...
7th place in Empire Magazine's The 50 Best Animated Movie Characters Character information Other names The Mistress of All Evil Your Excellency Affiliations Disney Villains Home TheForbidden Mountain Likes Revenge, her raven, power, dark magic, curses, being feared, taunting her enemies, causing chao...
Who better to start with than the character you can hardly believe Disney allowed in amoviefeaturing their characters? From the already edgy filmWho Framed Roger Rabbit, Jessica Rabbit was particularly controversial. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great movie, and she’s a great character, but...
In the game, Mulan has been kidnapped to the World of Illusion by an evil witch known as Mizrabel, as part of a dark scheme to steal the essence of beloved Disney characters for her own selfish purposes. Fortunately, however, she is soon rescued by Mickey Mouse and remain within a ...
While he is away, Jasmine grows worried and Genie cheers her up by dressing her in bridal outfits (And comically posing as many iconic celebrities and movie characters, one of which Robin Williams himself played the role of). When Aladdin returns with Cassim, she and the Sultan take an imme...