You canpre-purchase the tickets(in the form of an exchange voucher)at a military base(MWR/ITT office),TAX-FREE!The exchange voucher is then taken to a Main Entrance theme park ticket window, where it is exchanged for the actual ticket (activated). ...
We can assist you in a number of ways, including with attraction tickets, cruise booking, Disney, resort vacation rentals and much more. If you are an eligible patron, these services and offers are available to you.
Disneyland tickets forschool teachers Disneyland tickets offered to employees bylarge corporations and government agencies in Southern California Military discountson tickets through base MWR offices Limited-time offers, when available, frommajor-brand hotels(require one-night or more hotel stay) ...
Active and retired military as well DOD employees can obtain discounted Walt Disney World tickets through their military base MWR offices and Shades of Green, located on Walt Disney World property. Also, Shades of Green offers discounted Disney tickets, as well as other discounted area attraction t...
(with current military ID) have been able to purchase discounted tickets for themselves and up to 5 family/friends for select dates. The tickets may be purchased at any theme park ticket window or Guest Relations Office. They may also be available at Shades of Green or MWR...