This Disney Princess list includes all the official Disney Princesses' names with pictures, ages, character origins, name meanings, love interests, theme songs, fashion styles, fun facts and more! In the early 2000s, the original Disney Princess lineup consisted of a total of 10 characters, in...
7th place in Empire Magazine's The 50 Best Animated Movie CharactersCharacter informationOther names The Mistress of All EvilYour Excellency Home The Forbidden Mountain Likes Revenge, her raven, power, dark magic, curses, being feared, taunting her enemies, causing chaos, sorrow and despairDislikes...
How many sisters does Princess Ariel have in The Little Mermaid? Princess Ariel from The Little Mermaid has six sisters. Their names are Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista, and Andrina. They first appear in the original film during the 'Daughters of Triton' sequence. Provided by: Fandom...
Phoebus –“The Hunchback of Notre Dame”; after one of Apollo’s names as the god of light Triton –“The Little Mermaid”; after the Greek god of the sea What Are Rare Disney Characters? Balthasar –“The Aristocats” Kuzco –“The Emperor’s New Groove” Rufio –“Hook” Famous Disne...
The music for five of the Disney Princess films was composed by Alan Menken (The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Pocahontas and Tangled respectively). The four CGI Princesses' films are all rated PG, while all of the cel-animated Princesses up to Tiana were rated G. The ...
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From Ariel inThe Little Mermaidto Zazu inThe Lion King, the Walt Disney Company has been coming up with creative names of colorful characters for as long as many of us can remember. While animated royalty is always a good place to start, we’re reaching beyond the likes of Disney Princesses...
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In this version of Disney's The Little Mermaid you play as Ariel the mermaid. Ariel has already met Eric, and they plan to wed, but the sea-witch Ursala has taken control of the ocean! So Ariel (After explaining what's going on to Eric) becomes a...