Maleficent is the only member of the Disney Villains franchise to be a playable character in the Disney Infinity games. Despite the fact that her original incarnation cursed a baby to death, all live-action versions of Maleficent are maternal figures (In Once Upon a Time: Maleficent and Lily;...
In Disney Infinity: 2.0, Stitch takes part as a playable character; however, he can only be played in the Toy Box mode. Disney Heroes: Battle Mode Stitch in Disney Heroes: Battle Mode Stitch appears as one of the playable heroes introduced to the game. He is unlockable with 80 tokens...
moana coloring pages BornFromThe90s·11/17/2016 Copy Link Coldmanner·1/3/2017 Copy Link I'm assuming it's after the Moana failed the first time voyaging. They showed Pua as scared of voyaging after that. And maybe they wanted the comedic element with Heihei and thought two animals would...
Mickey Mouse appears in his Sorcerer Mickey form at the beginning of Disney Infinity in the introduction. He is also available as a playable character. He is available in his normal form in the third game, alongside Minnie.[84] The "classic" version has boxing abilities and throwing items, ...
Mason "Dipper" Pines[3] is one of the two main protagonists of the animated series Gravity Falls. He is the younger twin brother of Mabel Pines by five minutes, and the great grand nephew of Stanley & Stanford Pines. He is a curious, clever, and inventiv
42 comments Saifkandil2010·2/24/2024 Copy Link I guess I should nickname him: "The Snow Yeti". CxoolPirateDoge·2/19/2022 Copy Link Amonhaut031·3/25/2021 Copy Link I wonder what would happen if marshmallow met the earth giants in Frozen II ...
Jabba the Hutt is such a creepy, disgusting, and ugly character. Jod Martin·7/30/2023 Copy Link In this clip what does he mean when he says 'Ah do that again'? MarisaLuna2176·4/11/2024 Copy Link That doesn’t relate to the comment…. And you can comment without replying to them...