The official site of Walt Disney Animation Studios. Walt Disney Animation Studios is a filmmaker-driven animation studio responsible for creating some of the most beloved films ever made. Located in California, Disney Animation continues to build on its
Art lovers throughout the world have been captivated by the blockbuster Immersive Van Gogh exhibit, and now a similar immersive experience is in the works that will delight fans of Disney’s beloved animated classics.On Thursday, Walt Disney Animation Studios today announced that it has teamed wit...
Walt Disney Animation Studios has collaborated with Lighthouse Immersive Studios and the producers of the blockbusterImmersive Van Gogh, to developDisney Animation: Immersive Experience, which is taking place at Lighthouse ArtSpace venues across North America this year and early 2023. As a filmmaker-...
A Disney Animation Immersive Experience, highlighting titles like Encanto, Frozen and more, is set to open in December.
As Walt Disney Animation Studios kicks off its 100-year anniversary celebration, the studio will showcase its past, present, and future throughout D23 Expo 2022. They’ll team up once again with Pixar Animation Studios on the show floor, creating an immersive animation experience for fans. The...
Walt Disney Animation Studios’ production internship program provides emerging talent with an immersive view of animation through educational seminars on craft and filmmaking, and individual and collective projects. The CG Animation Internship CG Animators are responsible for bringing characters to life....
Walt Disney Animation Opens New Vancouver Studio for Long-Form Series Production Streaming 4 years Disney, Africa’s Kugali Reveal First Look at Sci-Fi Series ‘Iwaju’ Digital 5 years ‘Frozen 2’-Inspired VR Film ‘Myth’ Creates Beautifully Immersive ‘Fairy Tale Within a Fairy Tale’...
However,Disney's influence extends far beyond the silver screen.In 1955,the opening of Disneyland transformed Disney from a successful animation studio to a global entertainment giant,It revolutionized the concept of family entertainment and explored immersive theme park experiences by introducing the wor...
Get ready for an exciting new chapter at Disneyland Paris... With the grand opening of the newWorld of Frozen, Walt Disney Studios Parkwill becomeDisney Adventure World, a place where immersive worlds inspired by the most popular Disney, Pixar and MARVEL stories are brought to incredible life....
Disney Animation Creating Immersive Experience Highlighting Titles Ranging From ‘Snow White’ to ‘Encanto’ The exhibit, from 'Immersive Van Gogh' producer Lighthouse Immersive, is set to open in December. Movie News Oct 6, 2022 11:23 am By Carolyn Giardina More...